Head Ranks

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While everyone in a guild is important, there are head ranks to maintain balance.

Guild Master: They are the Master of the Guild. They are responsible for their guild members, and are respected leaders. These wizards are usually powerful. They make important decisions concerning their guild.

Second In Command: These wizards are trusted by the Guild Master. They assist the Guild Master and fill in if they should ever be away.

Guild Apprentice: A specific Wizard chosen by the Guild Master to be their successor. They are usually taught by that guild master.

Guild Advisor: The Guild Advisor usually confers with the Guild Master discussing topics concerning the guild. Advisors need to be socially aware, intelligent, and fairly good strategists.

Guild Healer: The Guild Healer specializes in Healing Casting, and can heal those in their guild.

Guild Potions Master: The guild potions Master creates potions for the use of their guild members. They also can teach about their specific line of work to others.

Guild Trainer: The Guild Trainer often teaches skills to other Wizards. They have some knowledge in all areas, and can also fight.

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