Napoleonic Victory

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This AU revolves around the victory of the french empire across europe, with the British Empire effectively on hiding and on his deathbed in canada, he made his son, the heir to his throne and kingdom, granting him the title of Empire of Canada, with the rest of the former monarchs either escaping to the americas in their colonies like the former russian empire in his sons territory of alaska, the spanish empire escaping to his daughters lands of peru, the portuguese empire going to his sons lands of brazil and even the sister of the french empire, the kingdom of france, escaped to her sons territory of Louisiana, but the rest of the monarchs were not as lucky, with prussia and austria completely under the control of the french emperor himself, but to those who escaped, knew that their time was short, so all of them gave up their crowns and power to their successors.

With now these new nations given these new titles and powers, and the empire who disgraced their families still in power in the european continent, these nations now wonder what their future holds. And with the scent of love in the air, who will fall in love with who? Only time will tell

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