Coronation Day

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"To the Brazilian Empire,

The French Giant has stomped my father, driving him to my lands, i watched as the french marched through the streets of london, my fathers most precious city, now the royal crown has been bestowed upon me, as his successor, I am unsure if i can continue what my father has started, but i will make sure that his legacy still continues on, and i hope with the relations that our parents once had, that i can count on you for help, as once my father did to yours,

Signed, Empire of Canada"

The young empire sighed as he finished writing the letter and having it delivered off to the empire at the south, standing up and going to his balcony, he watched as the sun rises on his new empire, where the new era of canada shall begin,

Meanwhile on the southern hemisphere, another empire stood, with lands stretching far and wide across the continent, she stands on the doors of her castle, watching as her empire continues to flourish, until a messanger arrived at her feet, with a letter at hand, she was handed the letter as the messanger walked off, curious, she went inside her castle and into her office to read the contents of the letter,

"Awwww he's finally growing up to be an empire, good for him" she thought as she skimmed through the letter;

"To the Canadian Empire,

Greetings my friend, i have recieved the letter that you have sent me, and i would all be too joyful in aiding you in your time of need, infact, i believe that we can work together and form a bond that will benefit both our parties, if you are interested to learn about my proposition, you should meet me at my castle, so we can discuss it more thourougly,

Signed, Brazilian Empire"

And with the signing of that letter, she ordered one of her messangers to deliver the letter to the new Canadian Empire, hoping this would spark new oppurtunities for her land and for her people, but for now, the sun shines as a new dawn rises for the empire, what events might happen? Tune in next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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