4~ Fine.

18 1 1

"George and I had decided to migrate to the part of the park that had a slide connected to a bunch of other wooden decks to climb onto(you know what I mean). It was a Sunday night and neither of us were tired, at the time only I felt as he was tired though. "If your tired we can walk back to wherever your staying." I offered, as he sat at the top of a green slide with his legs dangling on the cool plastic of the slide, whilst I sat behind him with my legs crossed. George fell onto his back and his head laid just before my lap.

My face had heated up as if someone touched a match to my skin. "No, thanks. I'll be fine here" George replied unbothered with how close we were. He crossed his arms under his head and closed his eyes. "You know what Clay? I think you just became my best friend." George said out of no where. My face had became even hotter with that statement. I was supposed to be the charming, cocky friend. George opened his eyes and looked up at me, he just giggled in the cutest way "Your such an idiot." He said as he continued giggling.

"Can you scooch forward I need a pillow, Clay" George asked, waiting for an answer but none came. I just sat there staring out into darkness completely shocked that he would lean onto me. "Clay?"

"O...okay." I replied shakily as I shuffled forward letting Georges head lean onto my lap between my legs. He stared up at me "Hi Clay" He said goofily smiling up at me. Fuck. Am I blushing too much? "Hi George?" I replied trying to calm myself down before completely losing it.

He grabs my hand and pulls it towards his hair, before closing his eyes again. Hesitantly I started fondling with his hair, it was the softest thing I had ever felt, like what clouds would feel like. Our bodies had became one of each other's, completely in sync, our breathing, our heart beats. After a while a had heard the faint hum of Georges breath. "Ge-orge?" I whispered to him, I waited for a reply but none came. "You there bud?" I whispered again. I had accepted my fate in becoming his pillow and eventually dozed off too, still playing with his hair.


George had woken up before me but he had moved just slightly and I had woken up too. "Morning." I said as I shuffled on cold wooden planks. He was sitting up by now but he looked down at me surprised that I was awake too. "Morning? When did you wake up?"

"Just after you." I smile cockily as I sat up after him.

"But I just- Whatever." He looked around expecting kids to be playing around yet there were none to be seen. "Chill, George it's Monday."

George sighed and bum shuffled over to the top of the slide. He could have climbed down the ladder or jumped down from where they were. But instead he went down the slide.

I giggled a little and went down the slide after him. It was a little awkward for being so tall and lanky, but it was a short way down so I didn't mind.

I slipped past him and span around to walk backwards to face him. "So when are you gonna leave the city?" I asked light heartedly whilst also concentrating not to run into anything. "In three or four days." I nodded along to this. Okay, three days to NOT kill anyone. "Oh! Clay can I have your number? So we can talk of course." Holy shit "Oh- uhm- sure it's uh *********" GEOGRE JUST ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER. Everything was cool calm and collected on the outside but I was completely shitting myself.

My phone had buzzed in my pocket, and I saw a random number I have never seen. I look up at George to see him typing something. Another buzz. 'Hi, Clay'


George looked up from his phone and up to me and I smiled at him "Hi George" I say as I smiled more. He giggled back at me. I swivel back to walk forwards normally with George.

We continue walking through the streets, many cars had gone past us, I tried to count them but eventually got sidetracked on George. I saw a small poster on an old wooden post.

'Find this man'

'He is the proclaimed:

Dream killer'

Then a picture of me and my name.

What the fuck. What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK!

I sped past it hopefully George would have not seeing the poster or me speeding up my pace. He turned his head to look over at me "You okay, Clay?" George asked me concerned. "F- fine." I stated quickly. George chewed on the inside of his cheek. "If you say so Clay." He replied to me, hopefully not seeing the wanted poster.

It wasn't long before we had arrived at his hotel. It was by far, far more flashy than where I was staying. "I'll text you later, ok?" George asked me as he was headed to walk into the building. "Yeah, of course" I replied back shyly.

He giggled at me trying to act confident, then strolled up to the building and walked inside.



I sat in my desk contemplating why I still worked as a detective. Sure it was fun, and sure chasing the purp was fun but it got so boring some times. And you couldn't make many friends, like it was always 'Fuck off, you pig'

It doesn't help being self-conscious either, I'm always wondering how I look or how I do things. I changed my hairstyle that day and I felt like everyone was staring at me.

But there is always something to do here. You don't just have to wait around.

Anyways I was skimming though some files I had piled on my desk making sure everything was finished before getting it sent to my boss. "Nick" Speaking of the devil. "The team at the lab has the dna reports of who Dream is" my eyes widened surprised that they had found the identity so quickly.

He walks back into his office and motions me to follow him. I walk behind and shut the door when we are both inside. He sits behind a desk whilst I stand behind some chairs in front of his desk. He has a few pictures of friends and family around his office. One including his ex he had been dating for a while before the two broke up. "Clay Green, 22 years old." He states reading off of a description on his desk. I nod along with him. "Well how are we going to catch him?" I ask holding my hands behind my back.

"Simple. We ask the public." He says pausing for a long time then continues. "I want you and your team to put flyers around Miami. Whilst other teams over the state will do the same." I nod as he speaks so he knows I'm listening. Obviously no one likes to be a detective and put flyers up but you can't complain in front of the boss "I'll get to it then." I say as I begin to walk out of the room. "One last thing, Nick." He starts "You look nice today." I felt my ears turn red, so I quickly cover them and walk out of the room.

But he was the only one staring.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope everyone has a good time this year and we can begin travelling overseas again!

Paragraph 20 "You don't just have to wait around ." is from the song 'Always forever' by Cults !

Date- 2-1-22

Words- 1235

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