5~ Beach

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It felt like an eternity before George had texted me. I had been laying on my bed for the past half an hour staring at the ceiling waiting for him to get in contact with me. I continuously looked at my phone just waiting until a first buzz occurred.

I darted to look at my phone. It was obviously George but my heart still fluttered to life when I saw his name displayed across my phone screen.

Georgie: 'Sorry I didn't text I was calling my mum.'


Me: 'That's all good.'

Georgie: 'Anyways, wanna head to the beach here'

I smiled down at my phone excited to spend time with him even if it's only been 30 minutes. I missed him.

Me: 'Ofc! Meet at the park again?'

Georgie: 'meet you in 20 then!'

Okay 20 minutes to go out buy swimming trunks and meet at the park. I can do this! I sat up, put my shoes on then darted to the door. I closed it and locked it with a soft click. Then I sprinted out of the motel and onto the road. It wasn't long before I found a target. 12 minutes left.

I ran inside and wondered over to the mens clothing section. I found a reasonable size of swim trunks. They were green with palm trees spreading across the bottom of them. I sped walked to the counter and paid for them.

I quickly changed into the trunks at a public bathroom by the park. By the time I had done all of this it had 3 minutes until the time was up. I spent those 3 minutes sitting on the swings holding onto my shorts. Wait. I DON'T HAVE A TOWEL. I sighed deeply and hoped George had brung a spare towel with him.


George was a 4 minutes and 37 seconds late, but I mean who's counting? He ran into my vision with a small tote bag. He slowed down in front of and huffed for air to enter his lungs. "I'm...*huff* so sorry...*huff*" he breathed out to me. I chuckled at him, "It's okay Georgie." I said back to him as he rolled his eyes at the nickname. He caught his breath and we began walking to the beach.

The beach wasn't far from where the park was only roughly 10 minutes away. We chatted on the way, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It would be busy we both knew it would be but not that busy. It was filled of people of all different shapes and colours. I spotted a small patch of sand where we could both sit down and chill out on the hot sand.

"Oh I need to go change! I'll be back soon." He waved off to me as he dashed across the hot sand to a bathroom. I stood awkwardly at where we were going to sit. I sat down wincing at how heated the sand was. Kicking off my shoes and digging them into the sand feeling the grains in between my toes. I heard "Clay!" Behind me so I turn to see George running back over to me. He was wearing bright cherry red swim shorts. You could see just how his pale body glowed in the sunlight, the small freckles dashed along his stomach and chest, his tan lines on his arms.

He had two towels tucked under his arm whilst his tote bag had his clothes and shoes stuffed into it. Your so beautiful. "What?" He asked me still walking over. I said that out loud didn't I? "Nothing Georgie." I replied before stripping off my shirt exposing me to the heat of the sun. I looked over to him and I saw his cheeks light up with pink. I smiled as he lended me the tote bag to put my clothes in it. "Thanks." I said to him before placing the bag onto the ground seeing George copy me by putting the towels down too.

George giggled. "Race ya!" He yelled to me before sprinting into the water. "Hey!" I yelled after him as I dashed behind him. Though I have longer legs than him, but the head start made him win by quite a bit. "That's not fair!" I pout at him. He giggled and splashed water towards me. I rebuttle him and splashed more water onto his torso. Georges skin had glistened when water hit it, he was gorgeous.

George and I had messed around a bit in the water, splashing each other, diving under waves that sort of stuff before we got out again.

We sat together on our towels for a while. We chatted and decided we should stay at the beach for a bit longer. I leaned backwards, putting my weight onto my hands when I realised I had just placed my hand on top of Georges. "Oh! I uhm- sorry." I say before moving my hand slightly off his hand and to the side.

His cheeks were full of blood coursing through them making them burn red. A girl had walked up to us. "Uhm hi- I thought you looked like really cool so uhm yeah." She stuttered out to George. He blinked a few times before smugly turning to me and grinning before answering her. "Oh thanks! Wanna go swim or something? Clay you can come too." He replied back to her, me clearly being a second thought after her.

I mentally rolled my eyes at both of them and replied back saying "No. I do not want to come. Do whatever you want. I don't care" I spat back at them, then turning to put tanning oil on my legs. I didn't see how George reacted but I knew it was something sour back to me something like a scowl. The girl giggled and they walked into the water together.

Whatever. I don't even like him. It's not like I want to spend the rest of my days with him, nooooo. Just my luck being stuck on the beach alone. Whatever I have to tan anyway. Screw them.

I continued rubbing on tanning oil onto my thighs up to stomach and chest. Couldn't tan my back since I have no one to help me rub it on. I grabbed my shirt that I was wearing before and placed it over my eyes so the sun wouldn't be in them. Eventually I dozed off even with the blazing sun burning onto my skin.

I did wake up to a slight nudge on my arm. I took my shirt off my eyes and saw George staring down at me intently. Holy shit. "Are you or are you not Dream." HOLY SHIT. "What! No!"


I got out of swimming with him and I just realised how his friend was familiar. I instantly told him then got changed and called the police. I said. "Yes hello, I think I just saw Dream at a beach in Miami."


Hey everyone, I'm going to start uploading both Wednesday and Sunday, or Tuesday and Saturday if your in EST. Another cliffhanger I know! Things are getting interesting!

Paragraph 17 "Do whatever you want. I don't care" is from the song 'Jealous' by Eyedress!

Date- 5-122

Words- 1165

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