Chapter 6 (Infestation)

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In the night back in Nancy and Christine's room, Christine was sleeping in her bed, her body tangled in the sheets and her blanket covering her upper body but not her legs.

Her legs were grabbed and pulled. She woke with a start, looking around and thinking Nancy had done it again. "Stop it Nancy! It's not funny anymore. I'm trying to sleep! Please stop grabbing my feet," Christine scolded.

Nancy grumbled in her bed. She really didn't like being accused of something she didn't do.

She was then pulled to the edge of her bed again. She gasped and bolted up into a sitting position. She was looking around the room and her eyes landed on Nancy sleeping beside her. If Nancy wasn't the culprit, then who was? Christine's first instinct was to look under the bed. Her breathing was shaly and uneven. She was scared. Her eyes somehow travelled to the shadows behind the bedroom door. Then she heard the creaking as the door moved slightly on it's own. There was no draught, so why was the door moving?

She quickly got back onto her bed and looked at the door. This time, the door creaked on it's hinges as it moved once again. The shadows behind the door scared her. And she was afraid. Very afraid. She began to gasp breathily as she whimpered in fear. She began to shakily call for Nancy who was still asleep, unknowing of Christine in the bed beside her paralysed with fear.

"Nancy?" she whispered, crying quietly.

"Nancy?" she called again and this time, Nancy turned to her sister and found her staring tearily at the shadows behind the door, whimpering every few seconds as she stayed paralysed on her bed, too scared to move an inch.

"What're you doing?" Nancy asked. She didn't realise Christine was terrified. "Christine?" she called to her sister when Christine didn't reply. She grabbed her glasses off her bedside table and called for her sister again. "Are you all right?"

"Do you see it?" Christine finally answered back, her voice shaky as she trembled in her bed, continuing to stare behind the door at the shadows.

"See what?" Nancy asked, turning to look where Christine was staring, seeing nothing but shadow.

Christine shakily raised her arm and pointed at the door where she had been looking for the past few minutes. "There's someone behind the door," she said. "There's someone standing over there," Christine tried again when her sister didn't see what she had saw.

"I-I don't see anyone," Nancy admitted, looking worriedly at Christine. "It's looking right at us," Christine muttered. Nancy got out of bed, pushing her blankets to the edge of her bed before going to walk over to where Christine was staring much to Christine's pleads to not go anywhere near it.

"Look, look. There's no one here. See?" Nancy tried to assure her sister, opening the door slightly, proving her statement.

"Ugh! It's that smell again!" Nancy gagged as a rancid stench filled the air, like rotten meat.

"Oh, my god. It's standing right behind you," Christine told Nancy, unblinking and terrified.

Nancy slowly turned only for the door to slam closed, causing Christine to let out a piercing scream, waking Roger and Carolyn in the master bedroom a few doors away. The guttural shrieks continued as Carolyn and Roger rushed to the bedroom, frantically calling out their daughter's name.

Carolyn was the first to reach the door, trying to no avail to open the door. Roger came from behind, ramming into the door, busting open and turned on the lights to reveal a screaming, crying Christine and a confused Nancy. Christine had gone to chanting 'no' tearfully as Roger questioned the two girls.

"What's going on? What happened?" Christine yelled her answer tearfully. "There was someone else in here!"

"Where?" Roger asked, trying to solve this problem. "By the door, it was behind the door," Christine cried, Carolyn hugging her close and Roger went to investigate that exact spot.

"Honey, there's nothing in here. There's nobody in here," Roger said, trying to calm his daughter.

That was when Christina spilled everything. "There was someone else in here. I was just sleeping, and then I felt somebody grab my feet. So I thought it was Nancy," Christine informed her father tearfully. Her sisters had gathered by the door watching the scene.

"Well, honey, I'm pretty sure it was just a bad dream," Roger tried to reason.

"No! It talked to me, it said... that it wants my family dead," she cries, her father pulling her into a tight hug as she cried her tears.

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