This is my....

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(A Few Days Later)

Well, things have at least slightly improved. I started actually having murderous thoughts lately.  Cream has allowed me to stay at her place, and luckily I had taken everything I really needed, and Cream's mom, Vanilla, has let me use the extra room in their house as a research and workshop room. I haven't hurt anyone lately but I end up imagining situations where I was harming other civilians. I felt I was going insane, but I simply couldn't do anything about it. I was thinking about Sonic at that point, spacing out, then I came back to reality, hearing Cream calling my name. "Hey Tails, you alright..?" Cream asked. "Yeah I'm just fine, lost in my thoughts that's all." "Oh I understand, so are you thinking any better?" Well kind of, the thoughts are still there, but someone is slightly drowning them out a little." "Oh really now?" "Yeah, someone has been on my mind since I saw them and decided to do a bit of research on them. He's a blue hedgehog hero, that can run at the speed of sound. His name's Sonic." "Oh, Mr.Sonic! Yeah I'm friends with him! He's a really amazing person!" "W-Wait really? Would you mind like...inviting him over today? Or sometime soon?" "Yeah I can do that! Lemme text him right now." I watched Cream take out her phone and text someone and after a bit she smiled, looked at me and said: "He's on his way, he says he can't wait to meet a new potential friend." "Aww that's really kind." In reality there was a bit of sadness within me, as I know that we're meant to be, but right now he only considers me a friend, and barely even that. "Hey Tails? You okay? You seem a little bit upset." "Oh I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me, I'm just thinking about something, I just need to clear my mind about things and clean up before Sonic gets here." I realized the last thing I said was actually really true, I hadn't changed my clothes since I got here, which was 3 days ago. I did manage to save a lot of my clothes, along with a few other belongings, including my special soaps I prefer to use. I dashed away and quickly got in the shower, starting off to my routine right away instead of standing around and enjoying it. It took me about 30 minutes to get finished, and another 5 to dry off, fix my bangs, and put my clothes on. (A basic long-sleeve shirt, a blue hoodie, some jeans.) I walked out and saw Sonic. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. My cheeks turned a light pink, covering them with my hood until the blush went away, then walked up to say hi to Sonic. I walked up and smiled, holding out my hand. "Hiya there! My name's Miles, but please just call me Tails. I hear you're friends with Cream?" Sonic was quick to turn and look at me, giving a warm smile. "Yeah, Cream and I are good friends. It's nice to meet you Tails, my name's Sonic! I'm always ready to make new friends." "I see, well, I'll be 100% with you Sonic, I do know a bit about you, I saw you running once and I decided to do a little research, so I learned some general information, sorry if I sound creepy or something, but I just happened to be curious about it." "Oh I see, well then, I guess I don't have to really say anything about me huh?" "I said general information, not a lot is there, I would like for us to get to know each other well, and be friends!" "Well then, why don't we do something to break the ice, like maybe playing some games of some kind?" "That sounds good to me, what kind of games do you play?" "I do a lot of musical stuff, so anything related to that." "What about Guitar Hero" I chuckled to myself, talking about it as a joke. "Oh heck yeah! Why don't we do that at my house, I have a full setup back there." I looked at him in awe, I didn't think he'd take it seriously, I'm not very good at that game, but hey it's always good to try new things right? "Well uh, I know Cream can get there whenever she pleases, as she hangs out with me all the time, but how are you gonna get there with me?" "Uhh, I guess I'll get there like 10 minutes after you?" "Actually, here let me pick you up quickly, if you're comfortable with it that is." I blushed wildly, covering my face again, and muttered out the words: "Yeah that's fine." "Alright if you're sure. Tell me if you want me to stop." I gave him a thumbs and and said bye to Cream, and Sonic picked me up in his arms, telling me to hold on to his neck, which I easily agreed to, as I was a little scared of falling. With my arms clinging to him, he took off through the forests and blinding speeds. I looked around in amazement, this was such a rush! I could tell this wasn't his full speed, but I loved it anyways. I really was pretty happy in this spot. Then it all started getting bad. I heard the words "kill him" in my head and my eyes widened in fear, as I violently shook my head, like I was trying to shake it out of my thoughts. Sonic clearly noticed and skirted to a stop. "Hey uhh, are you okay bud?" I stopped shaking my head, and the voices had gone away. "Yeah I'm alright. Just got splashed by something and was shaking away the water." "Oh okay! How about we go inside though, we're already here." I looked up and saw a small house in front of me, perfect for one or two people. "Oh yeah, sounds good to me. Just after you put me down" "Oh right, heh heh" Sonic set me down and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about that bud." I chuckled and waved it away. I walked up to his door and turned the knob and to my surprise, it opened right up. "Oh, well after you I suppose" "Yeah I don't really have locks on my doors." "Oh hey I can fix that! I'm an engineer, even though I'm pretty young. I build things all the time! Actually....that's really the whole reason I'm staying at Creams." I lowered my ears, and looked away from him. He lifted my chin up, and smiled at me. "Little buddy, it's okay. Things happen sometimes, I am quite curious about what precisely happened, but I won't pressure you." My ears raised, and my eyes lit up. "You really don't mind listening?" He smiled and nodded. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I walked inside his house, sitting down on the couch. "So it all started when I was young, these high schoolers bullied me for quite a bit and actually one day, they destroyed one of my invention-...wait a dang minute. You were....passing by that day. I just remembered. I saw a blue flash in the corner of my eye and originally I just thought I had been seeing things. But hey the past is in the past. And after that point, the bullying continued and I became...somewhat of a depressed psycho. I hated other people, but not myself, but was constantly crying and was constantly bullied. A few years went by, and I actually had a plan to.....kill my 3 bullies." Sonic's eyes widened when I said that, and he leaned in the listen closer. I sighed, disappointed in myself. "I had a machine that was almost finished that would very slowly haunt and kill them. I worked on it every day, and was doing, and as a matter of fact, still do online classes, because I hated my classes. On Christmas Eve, my bullies decided to come up to me, and apologize, and at one point they heard me crying and talking to myself and started feeling really horrible. And what pushed them over the edge, is when they saw this..." I took my arm out of my sleeve and showed Sonic the 3 evenly spaced cuts on my arm. He gasped, covered his mouth, his eyes filled with tears and he looked at me with pure concern. I gave him a reassuring smile. "I did it once, and refuse to ever do it again. However, they did end up seeing me do it. And they felt horrible. They walked up to me during my supply run on Christmas Eve, and apologized for everything that had happened. They knew I wasn't gonna forgive them, but they promised to leave me alone from then on. I was pretty happy. I did my supply run, went back home, finished up my school day, decided to shut down my project for them. Afterward I cooked myself lunch and stuff, and then I started brainstorming ideas for my next project. I went to sleep that night, had some dreams, then woke up and suddenly it was Christmas Day. Oh and I forgot to mention, my parents don't exist to me at this point, they abandoned me at a young age." Sonic looked extremely angry at that statement, but let himself calm down. "It's okay, I've survived on my own. But when I woke up, I started feeling a little lonely, after I made breakfast, I texted Cream to come over to help me bake Christmas treats, and she did. We spent the day together, and I thought my life was totally turning around. But after she left, I made lunch, but at one point, I heard a small crack sound. I instantly knew what it was, and grabbed as much stuff as I possibly could from my house. My previous project had caught on fire, and was getting ready to explode, but I knew it was already shorting out, and I couldn't stop it. So when I got all the necessities, I ran out of my house and screamed to everyone to run as fast as they could, but nobody listened. I got out of there, and found Cream shortly after I got out of there, with a backpack on. She looked and me confused and began to spoke my name, but she got cut off by the sound of a loud explosion and screams to follow. I watched in horror as my own village burned to the ground. Yet at the very end of it." I took a huge breath, then looked him in the eyes. "I had kinda enjoyed it..." He started at me with a mix of expressions. But most of all, he was sympathetic. He knew I was having a rough time, and that I was pinned against the world since the very start. I smiled, and he was confused at first, then I spoke. "I'm's just nice to have someone who understands me for once..."
Hey everyone! I decided to switch up the format of this chapter a little bit, and didn't do any spacing or anything, this has been my longest chapter yet, being at about 2000 words. If you prefer this format of writing please let me know by voting! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and be on the lookout for more to come soon!

Sontails: The Murderous Mysteries of Miles ProwerWhere stories live. Discover now