It's my fault.

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I saw Sonic in my peripherals as I was lunging at him. He dodged out of the way as I took out my knife. "Tails, what has gotten into you!" I could hear him trying to calm me down at this point. But I couldn't control myself. I kept attacking him and at some point. Everything went black. I suddenly saw my fight continuing, but I wasn't the one in control at that point. "Listen up Blue, the little innocent you know isn't here right now. So unless you have a death wish, I suggest you either fight back or run away." I could see him look into my eyes, terrified. I wanted to stop everything, but I really couldn't. I started to cry a little bit, pressing against some sort of wall, where I could see the fight happening. Sonic was continuing to dodge out of the way, still not fighting back against "me". "What do you mean, what are you TALKING about Tails?" I could feel that I put a smirk on my face, and shook my head. "Listen up. It's over for him. Give UP!" I could feel myself dashing at him again, and ended up pinning him down this time. NO! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! I screamed out as loud as I could "STOP! NO!!!!!" I hit the wall as hard as I possibly could, and it smashed, suddenly regaining consciousness. I was sitting on top of Sonic, knife in hand, him looking completely horrified. "T-Tails? Are you there...?" I nod, but then I get up and run away. Sonic chases after me and stops me. He picks me up to make sure I couldn't run away. I almost swing my knife at him to get away, but then I stop. "Buddy, what the hell just happened? You just seemed totally out of control!" He hugged me super tightly, never wanting to let me go. I hugged back, and started crying my eyes out. I could feel my urges coming back again. I told Sonic to run away this time, but he refused, and kept hugging me. When he did this, I felt like I was back in full control again, I felt like I could trust it. I finally spoke up. "S-Sonic. I'm so sorry, I wasn't in control anymore. I told you I had more murderous thoughts left. I'm not a little kid. I'm a stone cold killer. I love you Sonic. I really do. But I can't stop this forever." He nodded and sat me down. "Listen Tails, I can see that you aren't gonna be able to hold back forever. I understand that. But you can't just give up like that, it doesn't make any good sense! I know that I can help you, you just have to give me the chance." I looked up at him, and his eyes were shining so bright I could see myself. I smiled and stood up at that point. I checked my phone, it was almost 2 PM. I motioned for Sonic to get up, which he did. Then I suddenly got a call. I picked it up. "Hello?" "TAILS WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY? IS SONIC WITH YOU?" "Calm down Cream it's okay, I'm fine, I don't know exactly where I am right now but yes Sonic is with me." "Tails did you hurt someone?" "Yes Cream. I did." "Tails I need you to come back to my house. Now." "Alright, we'll be there shortly." I hung up the phone and told Sonic we had to go to Creams house. He picked me up and started running. We got there within 5 minutes and I walked through the door. Cream saw me and was instantly relieved. Then she saw Sonic come up behind me and wrap his arm around my back and put a hand on my shoulder. She gave both of us a questioning look. "Hey uhh Cream, how about I just talk to you in another room." Sonic spoke up about it, he was sticking up for me and helping. He and Cream walked into a different room. I looked at my phone then I looked at todays date. WAIT WASN'T TODAY MY BIRTHDAY?! Oh fuck that's why Cream wanted me homey
. Well better to know now than to be completely surprised by it later. I don't take surprises so well. I knew that Cream had something planned. That's why she called me home. I kept hearing things in my head telling me to do awful things. And I was close to giving in. I needed Sonic to come back. And just at the right time, he did. At that moment, I was holding my head in my hands, eyes shut tightly. He knew something was wrong and came right over, consoling me. He rubbed my back and reassured me constantly. I opened my eyes again, and I saw Cream with a smile stuck on her face. She knew that I found someone who would always be there. And I knew Sonic explained the situation to her. I managed to speak, even though shakily. "I'm s-sorry Cream. I-It was all my fault." She shook her head. "No it wasn't Tails, Sonic told me he could tell you weren't yourself. It's gonna be okay." I smiled a little and shook my head. "I meant it's my fault for not coming back sooner." "Tails don't worry about that. You were safe, that's all that matters." I nodded and turned to speak to Sonic. "Hey can we go back to that waterfall we were at before? It was really quite nice." Sonic gave a thumbs up and went to talk to Cream instead. "Hey we're gonna head out." Then he whispered something in her ear and she looked at him surprised. She spoke with hesitation. "Well okayyyyy, as long as you're confident you can handle it. I couldn't handle it on my own, my Mom helps out all the time. Whenever she HAS time of course." "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Sonic scooped me up, waved to Cream, and dashed out the door. I felt the high winds hitting my fur and it felt amazing. Within minutes, we arrived back at the waterfall. He sat me down, and I stared at the waterfall, water droplets occasionally hitting my fur. Sonic sat down next to me, and as I stared at the waterfall, I softly spoke to him. "Listen, if anything ever happens I want you to remember something." He turned towards me. "And what would that be?" "That I love you, and it's my fault." "No it's n-" I did something I never thought I would do. I kissed him. It was short, and afterward he just stared at me. He was dumbfounded. After a few minutes he found words. "I love you too Tails." Then, he pulled me into a much longer kiss. Once he broke it, he chuckled and spoke. "You're Right Tails, you made me love you, it is your fault."

Hi everyone! Small bit of action finally coming in! And though this seems like the end, those voices aren't done with Tails quite yet. Hope you enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter!

Sontails: The Murderous Mysteries of Miles ProwerWhere stories live. Discover now