Chapter 37

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WHAT HAVE I DONE? I woke up alone in the bed, feeling that I just have the best laid in my whole life, but flashes of memories came back from my drunken state and I perfectly know what happened and I clearly remembered on how Yvo cried and limped underneath me and I felt like I am really a demon,
An asshole and a complete bastard.

My name didn't suit me at all.

I just repeat the story of my parents on how Mama conceived me.
I followed the bad step of my father without knowing it.

And I am afraid that I might lost Yvo as well.

Will I lost him for real now?

I look around and calmed my raging headache, waiting for Yvo to come and slap me or enrage at me but he didn't arrive.
Thinking he might be in his room, I slip on my boxers and walk to his room, expecting to accept his violence but he was not there.

No trace of him at home, and this condo feels empty without him.

I mess up big time.
I'm so fuck up.

I took shower and dress for comfort before calling Alexus if Aya was there, but my brother told me that the twins are having some time together.

And I felt a little relief.

I will accept whatever the consequences will be if I will have Yvo forgive me.


It's been 24 hours and he wasn't home. I called my brother again and he's worried to death for Aya who had his phone off.

We met and go to the hotel where he sent Aya but they weren't there at all.

We already sent our men to stroll every where just to find them and we got nothing until Mama came three days prior to the twins went off the grid to my office and his hand immediately flew on my cheek, he slapped me that made my whole body numb.

My mom hurt me after years of my existence. He's fuming mad while looking at me, Dada held his arm.
I've done many bad things as a rebellious son back then but never did my Mama hurt me, just now.

"Baby, calm down." Dada shook his head on me.

"What was that for?" I quietly asked though I already know why.

"That's for being a complete package of a bastard son." Mama's voice was filled with hatred.

"Aya came after three days of being missing and was fuming mad, asking to call for lawyers because you harassed Yvo, showing photos of evidence that he was hurt and forced. What have you done Angelus? Are you crazy?!" Mama shouted at me.

He never raise his voice on me eversince, I know I fucked up this time.
Really, really bad.

"But he said, Yvo don't want to sue you, see? He's a gentle soul. I almost killed your Dada back then when he forced me out of jealousy." Mama glared at Dada who raised his arms in the air.

"I concede." Dada shook his head.

"Fix this Angelus. I don't want issues with Francisca. We've been good friends for God knows when. I don't want to destroy that friendship because I got an asshole son!" Mama stomp his feet, rubbing his 6 months belly while glaring at me.

I stood up and hold his hand.
"I'm sorry if I disappointed you again and again."

He just looked away.
"This is way too much for a disappointment. Fix your mess and consider it you are forgiven.. Until then, don't talk to me,"
He lossen my grip and walk to the door.
"Let's go daddy."

HDS3: BITTER DADDY✔️ (To Be Publish) Where stories live. Discover now