/family is the only thing that will stay with you forever/

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*normal p.o.v.*

I got to the airport in time, and after everything was done and I was waiting for the plane to arrive, I decided to call my friend Carol, I know she would be the only one to let me stay at her house for some time if I asked her, so I called her and soon enough she answered:

"hombre, hombre, ¿no será nuestra amiga americana?" / "well, well, if it isn't our American friend?"

I rolled my eyes and said:

"hola a ti también Carol, ¿qué tal estás?" / "hi to you too Carol, how are you?"

"muy bien" she answered "¿y tú?" / "very good" "and you?"

"estoy en el aeropuerto de Boston volviendo a casa" / "I'm at the Boston airport, going back home" I said just dropping the bomb to see if she knew what I meant, luckily for me she did as she said:

"vale, espera un segundo" / "okay, wait a second"

there were some moments of silence until she said again:

"vale, te vienes conmigo, ¿a qué hora llega tu vuelo a Barajas?" / "okay, you're coming with me, what time does your flight arrive to Barajas?"

"mmm" I replied as I looked down to my ticket "a las 4 nuestras, lo que serían a las 10 de la noche vuestras, si es mucho problema me cojo un cabify cuando llegue" / "at our 4, and that would be your 10 at night, if its a lot of problem, I can get a cabify when I arrive"

"no, no, tu no vas a ir en cabify a ningún lado, ahí estaremos a las 10 para recogerte" / "no, no, you're not going in a cabify anywhere, we'll be there at 10 to pick you up"

I smiled and nodded:

"vale, y muchísimas gracias Carol, de verdad" / "okay, and thanks a lot Carol, truly"

"nada hombre, y se te nota el acentillo ehh" / "it's nothing, and you can hear the accent ehh"

I laughed and replied:

"bueno, no he hablado con nadie español en lo que llevo aquí" / "well, I haven't talked in Spanish with anyone in the time I've been here"

she laughed at the other side of the phone and said:

"bueno, mejor te dejo, que te tendrás que subir al avión ya, ¡nos vemos a las 10 Lu!" / "well, I better leave you, you'll have to get on the plane, we'll see each other at 10!"

"genial, ¡hasta ahora Carol!" / "cool, see you Carol!"

"adios" / "bye" she replied before hanging up

I only had to wait ten more minutes before my flight was called, and when it did I was one of the first to get in the plane, and I had waited one more minute, I would have seen how Dad came running into the waiting area with Uncle Scott, and maybe none of this would have happened

*skip to arriving at Madrid's airport*

I was sitting by the window so I could see everything as we began to land in Madrid, but everything changed when the plane began to move to one of its side, MY side, we were going to crash and maybe I would die because of it, but when I realised that there was nothing I could do I hugged my legs and hoped for the best, and as I feared, at one point something hit me and everything went black

*paramedic p.o.v.*

after the plane crashed a couple of ambulances came into the broken plane and began to look for people, the ones we found were either okay with a bunch of bruises of dead since all the weight had landed on them, but as we were about to leave, we heard someone grunt from the side of the plane that had crashed, so me and another paramedic, ran up there and began to place everything aside to see if we could find anyone under all the rubble, and there was, a teenage girl was there, all black because of the fire, and full of bruises, we took her and carried her to the ambulance and directly to the hospital, we took her a blood sample to see who she was and we learned that she was an American girl, in her file there was only a phone number, so I took out my phone and dialled it:

A crazy house /sequel to with arms wide open/Where stories live. Discover now