Chapter 11

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"So you know Spider-Man?" Gwen said.

She and Ella were at Oscorp, waiting for the antidote to be done. From what they had understood from the file, Connors created a serum with lizard DNA to regenerate lost limbs. But it must have turned bad as now he was a giant lizard.

"Yeah...," Ella chuckled. "Let's say we are... working together. Like... when I have information about criminals, I gave them to him so he can catch them,"

"Oh, so like Lois and Clark?" Gwen said.

"Yeah, like Lois and Clark," Ella chuckled.

"Peter knows?" The Stacy girl asked. Ella looked at her friend. "Working with Spider-Man can be dangerous,"

"Yeah, he knows," Ella nodded. "We're all working together actually. You know, he is a photographer so his pics are proofs,"

"It's not surprising, coming from you," Gwen said.

"You could join the team, you know,"

"What are you saying," Gwen laughed.

"Yeah, like, our super-smart scientist,"

The two of them laughed. Even though it came in as a joke, Ella still thought it would be a good idea. Gwen was the smartest girl, she could be of a great help. And she was a trustworthy friend. Gwen was the best ally you could dream of.

"It wasn't what I had in mind when I told you I wanted to hang out," Gwen joked. Ella chuckled.

Suddenly, Ella's phone rang. She took it. It was Peter.

"Hi. Where are you?" Peter asked in a hurry. She frowned. He seemed worried.

"Hi, I'm at Oscorp,"

"You have to get out of there now,"

Ella's frowned deepened.

"The antidote is cooking,"

"No, no, no. Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now. He needs the device. He's gonna infect the whole city!"

Ella kept quiet a moment. The situation was bad. She felt like it kept worsening by the minutes. But she couldn't leave. Not yet. If they didn’t get the serum, the situation would be even worser and the whole city could pay the price.

"Gwen, how much time left?" Ella asked.

"Eight minutes left," Gwen said. She noticed too how her friend was troubled.

"You're gonna wait eight minutes after what I told you? You leave right now. That is an order, okay?" Peter panicked.

"I'll get everybody out," Ella only said before hanging up.

She knew Peter wasn't liking the idea at all but she had no choice. She would stay until the antidote was done.

"Connors is on his way here for the device. You need to go," Ella said walking over the serum device.

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