Chapter 3

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About two weeks ago I applied for a job at Woolworths and today was my first day. I wasn't really nervous, mainly because I worked at a Woolies back when I was 15. I got changed into my black top, jeans and ballet flats. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and quickly put a bow in it so I didn't look completely boring. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out the door. I had to walk to work because both my parents cars weren't available to me.

As I was walking along the path I saw three boys walking in mydirection. They looked pretty familiar. As I got closer I noticed that one of them was recording themselves and talking about something that I couldnt quite hear. I quickly pretented that I was texting and kept walking.


I slammed the front door shut. Just as I was leaving work it started raining. I was now drenched and shivering. I slowly walked upstairs not listening to a word my mum was saying about the floorboards. I slammed my bedroom door shut and threw my bag onto the floor.

"FUCK!" I yelled. I was so cold, i needed to get out of my clothes. I stormed into the bathroom and stepped into the shower immediately. Once again I started tearing up. If only i had my car, I wouldn't be soaking wet and shivering. But my old car had to be left in Perth. I still really missed Perth and sometimes I just couldn't hold in my emotions.


It was 11.30am and I had just rolled out of bed. I was home alone all day today because everyone else was working. I skipped my shower and change into a raglan tee, old shorts, a beanie and mismatched socks. I planned to spend my day doing nothing. I got some food out of the fridge and walked back to my room. I jumped back onto my bed and got out my laptop and got settled. Just as I was about to lift the screen I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and walked downstairs, adjusting my clothes and beanie. I opened it to find a guy standing there. He had curly brown hair, brown eyes, and he was shirtless. I quickly tore my eyes away from his abs.

"Hey, I live across the road from you and I just wanted to let you know that me and my friends will be throwing around paint and if any gets on your property we're very sorry and we will clean it up" he said.

I laughed a little. He was very adorable.

"Sure, that's fine" I said.

"Great, see ya later" he said smiling. "Bye" I said closing the door.

I stared at the door for a few moments. Then I started smiling. I ran upstairs to my bedroom window and I looked over at the house across the and I saw him. He was with four other good looking boys.

"Oh my god," I said to myself.

They were throwing paint on each other and yelling something at the top o their lungs. I giggled like crazy. When it came to boys, I could be a total flop. I climbed onto my bed and texted my friend.


Emily: I am living across the road from a total hottie!


Bianca: Ooh exciting :) Talked to him yet?


Emily: Yeah (: Nothing major though, just came by to let me know that he and his friends were throwing around paint.


Bianca: As everyone does. Wtf why are they throwing paint?


Emily: I have no clue


Bianca: Well anyways make sure you send me a pic, i need to see this fine boy of yours. ;)


Emily:He's not my boy Bic.


Bianca: Not yet ;)


Emily: Haha you're full of shit

Luke's P.O.V

Today us boys were doing our 500,000 subscribers celebration video and we decided we should at least warn the houses that we will be throwing paint around.

"Should we do the whole street?" Beau said.

"Nah, nah just do the houses that are close to us cos this street is fucking huge!" Skip said walking next door. "Oi james go with skip, he's bound to fuck up if he goes by himself." Jai said. "My english good not" Skip said clenching his fist in the air.

I walked to the house oppopsite us and knocked on the door. After a while the door opened and in front of me stood a gorgeous girl with the prettiest big brown eyes. I quickly gathered my thoughts and told her about what we were doing, suddenly feeling pretty nervous. Her eyes brightened as she smiles and laughs.

"Sure that's fine" she said and I was left staring at her face. She was seriously so beautiful.

"Great, see ya later" I said giving her a smile.

She said bye and closed the door. I looked down at the ground and shook my head. I hope i didn't make a fool of myself.


I quickly drove out to woolies to buy milk for mum. Once i found the milk i stood in line. As the person in front of me took their bags and went, i noticed that the girl at the check out was the same girl who lived across the street. "Hi, how's your day been?" she said grabbing the milk.

Then she looked up at me again.

" Oh hey" she said smiling.

"Hey" i replied, giving her a big smile back.

"That'll just be $3.50" she said.

I gave her the money.

"Enjoy your night" she said putting the money in the register.

"Catch ya later" I said and walked out. When i got in the car i just sat there for a good 30 seconds. I didn't even know her name... but... there was just something about her.

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