1.6 | Cobra Kai

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Kalon sat down by the wall with one earbud in and her sketchbook against her legs, she had her knees up and she was sketching out the scene in front of her. Due to her training being slightly more advanced than Miguel's, he had to catch up to her with the basics allowing her to sit out whenever she wished to. "Can't strike first if you don't know how to strike," Johnny began as he and Miguel stood in front of the punching dummy that Kalon named Benny.

"The cobra strike is composed of two parts: the lunge, which requires the use of the whole body, and the bite," Johnny explains to Miguel in a fight stance before punching forward slowly, an unsure look on his face that he tried to play off casually. "Which is everything that happens after you make contact," Johnny stepped back from the Benny the dummy.

"All right? You don't stop here where the knuckle hits the bone. You punch through the bone, like the guy you really wanna hit is standing behind this asshole," Johnny explains to Miguel who nods along. "Benny, dad. I've named it Benny," Kalon speaks up as she adjusts the sketch lines of Miguel's body in her sketch pad. "Right... Uh, Benny," Johnny looked at Miguel who smiled at Kalon before looking back at Johnny.

Johnny jabs at Benny, "Hiyah!" Kalon smiled lightly before looking at her phone as it vibrated. She grabbed her phone and saw a Snapchat from Demetri, she smiled knowing he had accepted her friendship. The picture was of him and Eli playing video games saying: Who would win in a fight; Godzilla or Mothra? And Kalon laughed quietly as she raised her phone to take a photo of herself before typing out; Neither, Mothra is the Queen of Titans with Godzilla as her King. She giggled to herself before looking up at Miguel and her father.

When Demetri opened the Snapchat, Eli looked over his shoulder taking in the blonde beauty and her delicate smile. He couldn't help but smile at her response while Demetri nodded impressed with it. "Alright, I'll admit it. Kalon isn't so bad after all," Demetri spoke before looking to Eli. The fair-skinned boy blushed lightly as he thought about the blonde he had been crushing on for a while. He had already been labelled her friend, now he needed to work up the courage to work past that step into something more.

"Stike here, you bloody his nose," Johnny explained as he held his fist in front of Benny's nose before moving his hand down slightly, "Strike here, you break his teeth." Kalon looked up again watching as Miguel focused on every movement while hanging on to every word that Johnny spoke. "Strike here, you could severely damage his trachea," Johnny expressed as he held his fist in front of Benny's throat. "Obviously, that's only for extreme situations," Johnny added before stepping to the side.

"All right, line up," Johnny ordered, Miguel moved in front of Benny and got into a fighting stance with his fists raised. Johnny's phone began to ring distracting them slightly, Kalon furrowed her brows unsure why anyone would be calling. "Focus, I want you to practice," Johnny ordered trying to ignore the phone as it continued ringing. "Hiyah!" Miguel forced a punch forward, a small smile rested on Kalon's face as she watched his punch lack major force.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Demetri Alexopoulos & Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now