Fundy God Of Errors and Mistakes
When Fundy was born it was odd they had fox ears and a fox tail. When they checked there dna it only matched up with Wilbur's dna but there didn't have his eyes, his hair color...nothing, So Sally gave Fundy to Wilbur and left. Wilbur was heart broken but he was going to try to take care of Fundy anyway.
It was becoming a lot harder for Wilbur to take care of Fundy, one of the reasons being that any object that Fundy touches starts to glitch in to anything fundy wants which means most of Fundy's toys have been turned into berry's.
When Fundy grow up they changed there gender from female to male. Wilbur of course supports him
It's been a couple of years now and Fundy's power keep getting stronger and now he has te ability to make things that don't even exist but he still needs a base ( Like how he needs a cat base in order to make garfield )
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