3. Broken...

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"Boss your right hand man wanted to meet you" a man wearing all black from head to toe say to other man who was comfortably sitting on couch in a big luxurious mansion.

"Boss your right hand man wanted to meet you" a man wearing all black from head to toe say to other man who was comfortably sitting on couch in a big luxurious mansion

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" Let him in" that man on couch replied like a command on which the former one nodded.

" Boss, Mr Kim hire personal bodyguard for his daughter, his surname is Kim..., sorry I didn't find his name but his former military officer, he serves nearly for five years in military" the man who called as right man of the man sitting on couch comfortably say.

" Ohh...that's great, Mr. Kim seems too protective to his daughter,but...but still, I can capture her...and keep her with me..." That man who's sitting on couch say and laugh like a maniac.

" He protect his daughter from us all this year's, he send her abroad, still we find her whereabouts...that bodyguard is not big deal at all...just keep eye on them." That man continued on which his so called right man nodded and left that place, the beautiful mansion.

" Unnie, are you serious he's back, after all this year's why he come though" lisa asked on phone as she's confused and as she still didn't believe it.

" Lisa, it's true, after leaving me alone for all years, he's back, how could he leave me at first place, he leave me like nothing, did he thought what will I feel...and why, why he's back again" jisoo say with teary and broken heart, she's the only one who can understand it, because she suffer through it.

Although she's a strong woman, but still something, sometimes trigger her emotions and make her heartbroken and emotional, which she tried to control, but couldn't as it's quite hard, her heart didn't won't to admit it...and make her cry, cry out her pain.

"Lisa don't worry, I am not letting him affect my heart again" jisoo continue after wiping off her tears, assuring her bestie that she's fine.

" Unnie I believe you, and don't worry I am always with you...now take a beauty sleep, don't let it ruin your tomorrow's gig okk" lisa say soothing her unnie and bit good night to her.

Next day was usual, jisoo woke up on time and after morning routines she went for her gig with her personal bodyguard Taehyung.

Whole ride towards her gig spot was silent as no one speak a word, taehyung wanted to talk with her, but he didn't know how to start it, he don't know how to face her...after so many years.

He was always beside her like a cold, stern statue while guarding her from dangers and everything which crosses her.

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MY PERSONAL BODYGUARD (vsoo)   Where stories live. Discover now