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Fuck it feels good..


I hate that it feels good...

"You like that Jiminie.."

He whispered against his neck, gripping at Jimin's wrist. Jimin whimpered at the roughness, tears gathered in his eyes. "Fuck this pussy baby!" Jimin cried out. He gripped Jimin's waist. "You like it, huh? You like it when I fuck that pretty pussy, huh?" Jimin turned his head to the side, hiding his flushed face in his arm. Clearly the answer being yes.

The other howled in pleasure. Pounding into Jimin's now creamy cunt at an unusual rate. he leaned into Jimin's neck sucking at his milky skin. Jimin's eyes rolled in the back of his head, shivers ran through his skin. The bed creaked as the headboard banged constantly. The other's soft lips nibbled from the column of his neck to his ear, while his fingers played with the rosebud of his clit. The sensation was so good Jimin's legs came together in a spasm. He gripped one of those meaty thighs, pulled them apart. "Don't run now, you wanted this dick now take it bitch!" Jimin loved the dirty talk, he bit his plump lip at feeling of his pussy being fucked hard by him.

"Wake up Mochi.."

"Wake up.."

"Dammit Jimin wake up!"

A pillow was tossed at him, the older jerked out of his bed. "The- Kookie!" Jimin yelled at his young roommate, the long-haired male baring a wide bunny smile. Putting on a shirt, as he got dressed.

"You were moaning and everything, shit was creeping me out. Had to wake you.." Jimin sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes. Half listening to his friend, half still trying to recall his dream.

"..Plus it's 8:45."

Now, Jimin was awake. "8:45! Why didn't you wake me sooner!" Jimin threw the same pillow Jungkook chugged. He dodged it of course. "You should take up sports, work on your handwork." Jimin rolled his eyes getting out of bed heading to the bathroom.

"So who is he?" Jungkook asked. Putting on his hoody as he combed his fingers through his wet black locks. Jimin gave a small smirk. "Are you mad cause it's not you?" Jimin arched a brow teasing the younger. Jungkook scoffed.

"Please if that was me, you would have pounced on me in your sleep." Jungkook respond as he gave Jimin a look. Jungkook was straight, but he had no problem with Jimin's sexuality. As a gag he'd even tell some people he was his boyfriend.

Jimin grabbed his towel from a drawer heading to the bathroom. "It's nobody." Jimin sung, Jungkook didn't believe him but he dropped the issue. Jungkook only knew of one of Jimin exs. Min Yoongi.

Min Yoongi in Jungkook's words was considered "a smart, lazy, dumbass" he was a genius, he was just lazy and acted like he wasn't that smart. Jimin is such a bubbly guy with great personality, Jungkook couldn't understand what the older seen in him.

His sarcasm could make kids cry along with his smart mouth. But when he was around Jimin he was calm. It's like Jimin was magic somehow.

Hey, if Jimin liked it. Jungkook loved it. Jungkook only knew Jimin in a short amount of time but it felt like he'd known the shorter longer then a few months, judging by their interactions. He left Jimin's room heading off to his classes.

Jimin went to the bathroom closing the door on him, and locking it. Jimin couldn't risk Jungkook barging in in him. Jungkook had never seen Jimin naked, and for good reason.

Jimin was intersex, in other words he was born with a vagina.

Jimin only had two sexual partners in his life. One being Min Yoongi, his high school sweetheart. Although they're good friends now, the older was now dating a choreographer that worked for a kpop dance company.

And Jimin's long-time childhood friend. Kim Taehyung. The man was the definition of sexy. When Jimin was younger he always thought Taehyung was cutie. Now he just wants the man to dick him down every second of the day. Their first time was before Jimin went off to college.

Taehyung of course knew Jimin was different down there, and when they were in grade school he would protect his mochi-hyung. Jimin only had one cock before Taehyung, but after the male he felt like a virgin. The younger hit spots in him that Yoongi couldn't reach. Jimin had seen the galaxy that night, and he prayed in the future he'd see it again.

That prayer is now being answered. Taehyung texted Jimin last week telling him he was coming to Seoul to visit and he wanted to see Jimin. The last time they spoke was the day after that night. The day Jimin went to college. So Jimin wasn't sure which way this get-together was going to go.

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