Chapter 1 - Freddy takes a fall

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You were on the second floor in the atrium, overseeing the concert that the others were putting on. It had almost been a week since you had arrived here, and the Pizzaplex was massive. The actual staff of the building barely even acknowledged your existence, and even when they did, they always referred to you as "White bunny guy" or "Lil Rabbit". It was really weird.

"Everyone! Please, put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!" Said the announcer.

This confused you a small bit, considering that Freddy wasn't the only member of the band, but you decided to ignore it. You were very excited to see this performance. A lift from within the stage carried the four members of the band into everyone's view, then the already cheering crowd cheered louder. You cheered along with them, your robotic voice vibrating slightly. 

The group began to preform, Freddy moving around to the beat while the others played their various instruments. This went on for about a minute, until various platforms on the stage began to raise up. Roxy, Monty, and Chica played their instruments, and Freddy pumped his fist before jumping off his platform, back onto the stage itself. He looked like he was about to sing before... He stopped. He seemed to spot something in the crowd, then he began to twitch, then he fell to the ground. The others stopped, and then looked at him, then at each other. The entire crowd exclaimed in confusion.

You watched the whole thing with a very confused expression on your face. What happened? Did Freddy see something? You saw Monty pick Freddy up, then drag him over to the lift, where the other two had also gathered.

"We apologize for the abrupt end, but Freddy seems to not be feeling too well. Please excuse this little problem, we are currently working on it." The announcer said over the intercom, the crowd starting to sound a bit angry.

Your ran over to the closest elevator, then began to press the button to call it rapidly. After nearly a minute, it dinged, then the door opened. You walked in, and then pressed the button that would bring you down to one of the lower levels, where parts and service was located.

The elevator took a little bit, and the music the band was just playing could be heard coming from the speakers in the elevator. 

The elevator dinged once more, then the doors opened. You ran out, and then sprinted towards parts and service, dodging around various staff members, who were busy scrambling around, trying to figure out what the commotion was about.

After a few minutes of searching, you burst through one of the doors to parts and service.

"What happened??' You asked immediately upon noticing that the others were inside, along with various members of the staff. 


"Dammit!" Monty yelled angrily, punching a wall, causing it to crack. "We had just planned one of our greatest shows, too! What the heck happened??"

Roxy simply stared at Freddy, who was on the ground, with a worried expression. 

"Hey, hey!" The manager, a human male named Doyle, tried to ease the situation. "It's not too big of a deal! I'm sure Freddy isn't broken-" Freddy twitched, then his eyes lit up. "Ah! See? He's alright!" He kneeled down down to Freddy. "You are alright, right?"

Freddy had a solemn look on his face as he say up. "Yeah... I'm fine." He looked down. "I-I don't know what happened...  I think I.. ruined the show."  He looked to the others, who all had worried looks on their faces. You walked up to the group, and Freddy looked over at you. "BONNIE?" Freddy suddenly exclaimed, causing everyone to look at you. Freddy twitched. You gave him a confused look. "Oh dear, that is not good... I apologize (Y/N). There s-seems to b-be something wrong with me." He looked sad again. Everyone looked back at him.

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