Short - Ayo -

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"Yo, dude." You walked up to Monty, who was vibin' in the middle of a hallway.

"Yeah, homeslice?" Monty turned around to look at you.

"Check out this cool gif I found online." You held up your phone, showing him it.

Monty leaned over, tilting his glasses as he looked at the screen, before he coughed violently, tripping while standing still.

Monty leaned over, tilting his glasses as he looked at the screen, before he coughed violently, tripping while standing still

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You tilted your head in confusion. "Is something wrong?" You then looked at the gif. "I thought the way the dude was moving was pretty funny. It's so quick and snappy - unnatural, even-"

"(Y/N)" Monty said interrupting you, kneeling with a serious expression on his face.  You look over at him. "Do you seriously not understand what this is trying to convey?" 

Your brow furrowed while you looked at him with confusion. "Monty, what the heck are you talking about?"

"What I'm talking about is what this gif is trying to imply." Monty was so straightfaced - you'd never seen him like this before. You were starting to get worried.

"Is it something bad? Does this mean he wants to hurt Roxanne?" You suddenly put on a very serious face yourself, activating Angry Protective Boyfriend Mode. " I swear if he tries ANYTHING-" 

"Dude, no, quite the opposite, actually." Monty chuckled quietly to himself, before shaking his head, looking serious again. "What matters is that you've been looking at the Fazbear Forums too much lately, and Freddy's starting to get worried...."


"Oh my god - bro, how are even in a relationship if you ain't ever even had a single sexual thought? Do you even know what 'sex' is, (Y/N)?" Monty was moving his hands while he spoke, articulating himself while he spoke.

"Sex...." You mulled over the word in your head for a few seconds. You've heard it before. "One sec, Imma google it." You pulled up your phone again, going to Google.

Monty watch you anxiously as you typed away, an innocent smile on your face.
Which was quickly wiped the moment the search results popped up.

"What the fuck." You said, swearing for the first time... ever.

"Yeah, I know ri-"

"WHAT THE FUCK" You screamed, throwing your phone at the wall, shattering it into a million pieces.



Freddy came into existence from behind you, crossing his arms sternly. "(Y/N), I expect you have an explanation?"

"" You sighed, looking up at him apologetically. You then trudged past him, sulking.

When you were gone, Freddy looked at Monty, who was still kneeling. "I don't know why, but I have a feeling this is partly your fault."

"Wait, WHAT?"

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