Quick Recap.

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Hey! (Y/n) here, I'm gonna give you a recap of everything up until now.

USJ attack.
I didn't get warped so I was at the entrance the entire time. Bakugo and Kouda got warped and Aizawa was down for the count, so I had a hard time with communication since the power outage affected my hearing aids. I tried to run down to help the others but Ashido was persistent in not letting me go. I got out without physical injuries.

Sports Festival.
I was on Asui's team for the Cavalry Battle. We did not make it to the finals. I got 572 offers from agencies. I chose Rock Lock.

Rock Lock and I were in Shibuya at the time of the Hosu incident. We were too far away to make it in time to help. Rock Lock helped me improve quite a bit. He had me show him all the spells I could do and then helped me to strengthen a few of them. He was careful about me pushing my limit too much, not wanting me to get hurt in the process. He also knew sign language so communication was easy. It was a great experience all together and he offered me to come back later on for work studies. I accepted the offer.

Final Exams.
I passed the written exam. I was on Kouda and Jiro's team. My hearing aids broke from the sheer power of Present Mic's voice. Jiro fought to her best ability but her sound waves weren't strong enough to do damage to our teacher. Jiro's ears were bleeding and all the animals ran from the sounds leaving Kouda almost entirely powerless. I stopped the bleeding from Kyoka's ears, then helped Kouda calm his nerves. The two ended up following me towards Mic. I created a barrier that was just barely enough to block Mic's voice. I surrounded my class in the barrier. Kouda had insects at the ready as he helped Jiro walk. The two stayed hidden as I approached our sensei. He prepared to scream at me but instead watched as I removed my earrings. I held them in my hands, showing that they were damaged. I began signing at the man. "Sorry sir, your quirk isn't going to help you with this. You considered me good for communicating and calming the nerves of my teammates but not the technology of my costume. Your voice power broke them." He gave me a surprised yet proud grin and signed back. "Sick analysis, listener! You're right, we didn't think about the tech. We did think about your hand to hand skills, however. You got some good magic? If that fails, you're doomed." He gave me a cocky smirk, getting into a ready position. I pulled out my wand, quickly deciding to strike with an immobilizing spell first. A flash of teal light shot out of your wand, straight towards the human speaker. Mic barely dodged it, stumbling back out of shock. Before I could blink, I was hit in the arm, hard. I whipped my head around to see Mic behind me. Hand-to-hand it is. I shoved my wand into its pouch before taking off my belt and tossing it to the side. What my teacher was unaware of is that I've been practicing hand-to-hand with Ojiro a lot recently. I was able to keep him distracted long enough for Kouda to send out the insects and Jiro grabbed my belt before starting towards the gate. Once Mic got caught up with the bugs, Kouda and I caught up to Kyoka and we all passed through the gate. We passed the exam. I got out with a bruised rib cage and a broken finger.

Mall trip.
I went home to Tokyo for a day visit before getting on the bullet train back to the apartment my family had rented for me near the school. The class later told me of Midoriya's encounter with Shigaraki.

Training camp.
Aizawa had me stay back for the test of courage. I didn't really mind, the jump scares wouldn't have affected me since I didn't have my hearing aids in. I had been sitting in the classroom with the remedial class when we caught word of the attack. Aizawa had asked me to join him to help the others. I stuck close to him the entire time. I was one of the LOV's targets, along with Bakugo. Aizawa did his best to keep me safe, but a surprise attack from Big Sis Magne knocked me out. Compress caught me and put me in a marble. Todoroki managed to reach Bakugo's marble, but I was snatched by Dabi. I was taken to the villains base. I had a severe concussion.

All Might's final battle/My Time with the LOV/My Rescue.
I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Looking around, I realized I was in a bar and was surrounded by the LOV. I sat there, chained up, scared. I didn't let my fear show, though. A couple minutes passed and the villains were just staring at me. I tilted my head in confusion, wondering why they weren't doing anything. Suddenly, a man wearing a grey and black mask came and unchained me. I stood up and began signing to them all. "I'm deaf. If you have spoken to me, I couldn't hear it." The group stood still for a moment before the man with stapled, purple skin started talking. I could make out only a few words by reading his lips. "— is —— she can't hear or — — — said —man." I was able to put together a bit of what was said, translating it in my mind: "She is deaf so she can't hear or read what you said handyman." I laughed in my mind at the nickname, but kept my straight face. I could see confusion on the villains faces as they must have questioned staple-face on how he understood me. I saw him shake his head, reading as he said he didn't understand and it was just a guess. He then turned back to me. "Are you deaf?" He spoke slowly so I could read his lips. I nodded. A girl with blonde hair in twin buns facepalmed. She started ranting to the hand guy about something I couldn't understand. The staple man came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, but I stepped back. He watched as I readied one of my spells, a purple light radiating from my palms. He put his own hand up, a blue flame dancing upon it. Our standoff was cut short, however, when the entire group paused and faced the door of the building. The girl with the buns ran over and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from where I was standing. A good thing she did, because a second later All Might punched through the wall. Yeah, that would have been bad. So Kamui Woods grabbed me from the knife girl, tossed me to All Might, I spit up black goo, teleported somewhere else, fought the League some more, the usual. An explosion heading towards me catches my eye in time for me to dodge. I look up to see Kirishima, Iida and Bakugo in the air. Kirishima held Bakugo by the waist while Katsuki signed "Fly here, I'll catch you." I gathered what little strength I had left and used my levitation spell. I pushed the limit of the spell to raise myself higher as fast as I could and manage to make it to the boys. Bakugo grabs my arm and the four of us retreat. We landed in the city, joining the crowd in watching All Might fight a guy with no face. I didn't care about the fight, I was shaken and finally let my calm facade go. I fell to the ground, shaking. Katsuki kneeled down and held me tight. We watched All Might turn skeletal and point to the camera. Katsuki had a stray tear run down his cheek as he looked down at me. "Now, it's your turn. That's what he said. He's retiring." Bakugo signed. Katsuki then took me to the medics and I was taken to the hospital. Katsuki stayed with me the whole time, telling the medics that he was my boyfriend just so they would let him in the ambulance. I later found out that Midoriya, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were part of my rescue team. I blamed myself for All Might's retirement. I went home to my moms in Tokyo. I got out with a dislocated shoulder, the concussion and a hell of a lot more trauma.

Moving into Heights Alliance.
I felt bad that All Might and Aizawa-Sensei had to come all the way to Tokyo just to talk to my family. My mothers both thought that the dorms would be safest for me and agreed to letting me move in. A day or so later, my moms and I took the train back to my apartment and helped me pack up my things. The school had already taken the larger furniture items and some other stuff so I only had a single box and my suit case. My dorm is next to Yaoyorozu's.

Honorable Mentions.
•I ranked #8 in the entrance exams for U.A.
•I was given second place for the "dorm room competition". The reason: "You have a really peaceful vibe and while it's still witch-themed, it's not completely emo and cult-ish". Thanks, guys.
•Meeting the Big Three was supposed to happen right after we moved into our dorms but it got pushed back a bit since Nejire was sick.
•Bakugo and Midoriya got into a fight at a training ground at, like, two in the morning. Let's just say, Aizawa-sensei was less than pleased. Midoriya got three days of house arrest along with a surprise jump-scare from Mirio. Bakugo received four days of house arrest and excessive teasing from the boys.

Yeah so that's about all that's happened so far! Now we all live together in the dorms and it's all just a lot of fun! So, let's begin.

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