Luke Meets Your Parents For The First Time

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**Picture above is of your parents' house**

It was that time in your relationship with your boyfriend Luke- who you had been dating for five months- for him to meet your parents.

You planned to go to your parents' house for dinner, and Luke was panicking.

"(Y/N), babe, what if they don't like me?" Luke whined from where he was sitting on your bed, in an apartment that you shared with your best friend. You were putting clothes away in your closet while, not helping, Luke sat and worried about the inevitable meeting with your parents.

With your back facing Luke, you rolled your eyes for the fiftieth time in the past hour. Luke had come over early to hang out, and instead ended up whining about being perfect enough for your parents. You knew he had nothing to worry about; your mom was the coolest, most kind woman you had ever met. She would never hate someone, let alone someone like Luke. Your dad, on the other hand, acted tough on the outside but was just as laid-back as your mom. They both would love Luke, no doubt.

You just hadn't told Luke this yet- watching him squirm was funny (mean, but funny).

Having enough of his whining, you turn around, walk over to where he sits on the edge of your bed, take his face in your hands, and kiss him solidly on the lips.

"Luke, I'm going to tell you this once. Listen carefully, for what I'm about to say is important. my parents will adore you. You are the sweetest, and most gentle guy I have ever met. Although that lip ring might say otherwise, but once they see who you really are, they will adore you, just like I do. I promise you, you have nothing to worry about." you look into his eyes when you are done talking, and see the worry fade away, slightly.

"Really?" He breathes.

"Yeah, Luke." You run your fingers through his soft, blonde hair. "Now are you ready to go? Because I told them we would be there at seven, and its 6:30 now. Are you calm enough?"

He takes a deep breath. "Yeah, (Y/N). I want to meet them. Let's go." He stands from your bed, takes your hand, and leads you down to his car where he opens the door for you to get in.

Within minutes, you are on your way to your parents' house.


Fifteen minutes later, Luke pulls up to an average-sized house, stops the car, and takes another deep breath before squeezing your hand and getting out only to go around to your side of the car and open the door for you.

"Well thank you, Mr. Hemmings" You joke.

"My pleasure, Ms. (Y/L/N). Shall we go inside?" He offers you his elbow while shutting the car door.

"We shall." You take his elbow and lead the way to the front door of your parents' house.

Knocking once before opening the door for yourself and Luke, his breathing turns rapid. You don't have time to comfort him because your mom is already making her way towards you to greet you.

"Oh, (Y/N)! It's so lovely to see you again, honey!" She hugs you quickly before turning to a terrified Luke.

"And you must be Luke! I've heard so much about you! Come here and give me a hug!" She steps towards him, taking his tall, lanky frame into her embrace.

They pull away from each other, Luke politely smiling, while your mother is beaming.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. (Y/L/N). I hope (Y/N) has only told you good things about me!" He laughs.

"Oh she has! Now, take your shoes off, and we can go eat!" Your mother ushers you to the dining room where your father is waiting.

"Dad!" You move over to hug him.

"(Y/N)!" He says back.

You pull away and move back to Luke. "Dad, this is Luke. Luke, meet my dad."

Luke stretches a hand out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Hello, Luke. Are you cheating on (Y/N)?"

Luke chokes on the breath he was taking. "No, sir!"

Your dad laughs. "I'm just messing with you! You're cool, I like you already! Let's eat!"

As you take your seats you whisper to Luke, "Told you, babe!"


Luke Hemmings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now