You Tell Luke You're Pregnant

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You were leaving the doctors' office one morning with the news- you were pregnant. As you walked to your car, you had to think of a way to tell your boyfriend, Luke.

Luke was away at band practice, and had no idea you went to the doctors' office this morning.

Getting home, you thought of a fun way to tell him: a scavenger hunt around the apartment you two shared. He would always make you go on them, so you thought it would be your turn.

You were going to have him end in the kitchen, and start right when we walked in the door.

Grabbing the materials, you got to work.

Card #1 said: Remember our first date, how it was just the TWO of us? Go to the living room to relive the moment.

Card #2 said: Remember when we went to that concert, how it was just the TWO of us? Go to the dining room to see it again.

Card #3 said: Remember when we moved in together, how it would be just the TWO of us? Go to the bedroom to find me!

Card #4 said: Just kidding! I'm not in here. Remember when I came with you on tour, how it was just the TWO of us that night in the hotel room? Go to the kitchen to eat what we did that night.

And card #5 is what he would read when he went to the kitchen and saw you standing there with it in your hands. 


Later that night, you heard Luke come home. You heard him from your spot in the living room, where you sat reading a book.

"Hey (Y/N), where are you?" You heard him yell. You hoped he would read the card, before coming to look for you. But then you heard him pick it up, and you knew your plan was working.

You then moved silently to the kitchen, where Luke would end.

As he moved through the apartment, you got nervous. What if he wouldn't be happy? What if he walked away from you, and left you alone?

When he stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and saw you holding the sign, you thought you were going to pee your pants. 

As he read it, he spoke aloud: "All these memories are grand, but BABY, there will be a little one, it's time to expand! Love, (Y/N)"

It took him a minute, "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!"

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