anniversary part 2

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Warnings: fluff.

As soon as you pull up a couple of valets come and open your door for you, looking at Chris handing the keys over before coming to take your hand.

"Chris if I forget to say it later thank you for everything, I truly enjoyed myself," you say before standing on your tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek.

Walking into the restaurant Chris gives the name of the reservation. Following the host through a dimly lit room to a table in the back. Thanking them you and Chris sit down, a waiter comes over to give you your menus, you peak up to look at Chris looking handsome in the candlelight.

Before you could say anything the water comes along to take your drinks to order you just order a glass of water saying you would have a drink at home.

After ordering your food and starting to remember all the fun times you both had, as the night progressed Chris was acting more and more strange until after you finish your desserts you get your answer.

Grabbing your hand and taking a big sigh he looks at you before he starts to speak,

"I don't remember the first thing I said to you I'm not even sure if it made sense because the moment I laid eyes on you all I could think about was how I wished I could tell your parents they made the most perfect human I'd ever seen.

I wanted to die for a second just so that I could thank God for that extra time he spent making the crinkle in your nose or putting the stars in your eyes I couldn't think about anything else.

So I hope you forgave me for asking you to say it again when you first told me you loved me God I could listen to that a million times, I can't tell when I fell but I can tell you when I knew.

I knew when you could pick up your toolbox of corny jokes and kisses and fix any bad day, I knew my day was incomplete until I got you to smile and I wish your laugh was on iTunes so I could download it and listen all day to my favourite sound in the whole world.

I knew when I became reflex like breathing and blinking every day I walk up and I love you and I don't think I'll ever stop.

Whenever I look at you I see a future when we grow old together you make me a better person, you make me laugh you make me cry but most importantly you make me at ease when my anxiety is high. You might up my world like the sun in the sky and I cannot wait until I start a family with you"

As Chris is saying this you have tears streaming down your face, getting down on one knee Chris pulls out a ring "y/n, what I'm trying to say is will you marry me?"

There was no question about it "yes a million times yes" you quickly say. Jumping up Chris picks you up spinning you around the most beautiful laugh comes from Chris. Giving you a slow and passionate kiss have put on the ring "Let's go home".

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