Lunch room wedgie

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Jack Perrilane is a nerdy freshman at his highschool, and his best friend, Max, decided that he's tired of seeing Jack be wedgied and bullied all the time. Max's plan to fight back against Jack's bullies backfires when his head ends up in the toilet.

Jack just started high-school this year, and he's already the biggest nerd in the whole school, with braces and huge metal headgear. He has fluffy brown hair, and dark blue eyes. His body is small and thin, and his face is almost feminine. Puberty was just hitting him now, and decided that voice cracks and acne were much more important than muscle and height.

The absolute bottom of the food chain at his highschool. He went to a private catholic school and it was extremely strict, the only thing they weren't strict about was bullying. When he wasn't at marching band practice or chess club, he was being wedgied in the locker room.

His best friend, Max, was always by his side. He was broad and tough, looking at him, he could make a boxer or a football player, but he preferred theatre and playing the french horn. Jack and Max were attached at the hip, but Max wasn't bullied nearly as often.

Jack's biggest bully was a boy named Hunter Tillery. Hunter was a dreamy sophomore, captain of the football team because his daddy was the coach. He was tough, popular, and had an itch that needed to be scratched. That itch was bullying the little band geek, Jack, to tears.

Jack once decided to go commando in a desperate attempt to avoid being wedgied, but this backfired. Hunter told sister Agnes, the english teacher, that Jack wasn't wearing underwear and she gave him a paddling in front of the whole class. She even called his mother, who didn't hesitate to spank him over the knee when he got home.

"Max, Hunter Keeps bullying me. He won't leave me alone."
"What did he do?" Max said, with disappointment in his tone.
"He gave me an atomic wedgie and a swirly when I was trying to use the bathroom. I told the teacher, but she just told me to ignore him. And last week at gym, he hung me by my underwear on the fence and the coach just laughed!"

Max had had enough.
"I'm gonna kill that prick. If he's gonna bully my friend, then I'll bully him back."
"No, Max, don't. I don't want you to get hurt."
"I can take him, Jackie. I'm bigger than him, and I know how to fight. All he knows how to do is bully people while his senior friends protect him."

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Jack whined.
"Of course. Anything for you." Max said softly, giving his friend a tight hug.

During lunch, Max decided it was his time to strike. Fourth period lunch only had freshmen and sophomores, so Hunter wouldn't have his senior friends to protect him.
Max walked up to the jock table with fury in his eyes. "What's wrong? You're mad that I keep giving your dorky friend wedgies?" Max slung his fist into the side of Hunter's face. Hunter crumbled to the ground and started to cry. "Get away from me!"

"Stop hurting my friend." Max roared, grabbing the waistband of Hunters plaid, calvin klein boxers. He lifted Hunter into the air by his underwear, and shot Jack a wink. Hunter whined, feeling his underwear digging into his ass. By now, a circle had formed around the lunch table, admiring Max's bravery.

The whole crowd began cheering "Wedgie! Wedgie! Wedgie! Wedgie!" Jack jumped up and down, joining the chant. This was the first time a chant like this was for someone who wasn't in band. "Wedgie!!" He screamed.

Hunter cried out in pain. "Goddamnit, let me go!" He wailed. Once Max was done laughing, he gently set Hunter down, before grabbing him in a headlock and giving him a noogie. "Leave Jack alone."

Hunter ran away in tears, as the whole lunchroom bubbled with laughter. "You'll regret this, nerd!" He cried, just before the lunch attendant screamed at the kids to be silent, with a paddle in her hand. The kids did as they were told and sat down obediently.

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