Locker room revenge

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Max strutted into the school proudly. He felt like the wedgie king, having had that power rush. He could still feel Hunter's soft boxers between his fingers, and the weight of Hunter on his arms. He strutted into class, grinning like a bloody idiot.

Mike, Hunter's right hand man, shot Max a death glare. "It's over for you, nerd."
Max smiled proudly at him. "What are you gonna do?" He said with a smirk.
"'ll see."

Right before the bell rang, Hunter and one of his friends, Anthony, ran into the classroom laughing their heads off. They sat down, quickly falling silent when the teacher looked at them.

Jack walked in moments later, but not before the bell. His hair and shirt were soaking with toilet water, and he was still picking at his own wedgie. This sent the class into a fit of laughter as sister Agnes grabbed the paddle and made mincemeat out of Jack's wedgied ass.

After school, Jack and Max had band practice. They didn't have anything to worry about, because everyone there was also a nerd that got wedgied themselves.

After band practice, Jack went to his locker to grab his books. As he stood there, he felt something grab his neck followed by "Hey, wedgie boy."Jack jumped back in shock, seeing three boys, one being Hunter, standing there. "What are you doing here?" He whined, his heart beating out of his chest.

"We had football practice, dumbass." One boy chimed in. Before Jack could scream for Max to help him, the football team picked Jack up and covered his mouth. They carried him to the locker room, AKA, "Wedgie room."

Mike, a thin, strawberry blond pulled out his phone and started filming Jack. "You're a wedgie bitch. Say it!"

Jack started to cry and shake his head, Hunter slapped him across the face. "Say it!"
"I'm a wedgie bitch..." He cried with a five pointed star forming on his face. "I'm a little wedgie bitch."

The whole locker room was sent into a shrill of laughter. They tortured him with wedgies and nipple twisting for five minutes straight.

"Okay, how are we gonna get Max down here?"
"Just give him a minute. Max goes anywhere Jack does, Like a dog!" The strawberry blond said, sending the whole locker room into laughter.

Max stood cluelessly in the hallway. Jack was usually pretty quick at getting his stuff, Max checked his watch and saw that Jack had been gone for ten minutes.

A wave of horror washed over him...he started running to the locker room.

He flung open the locker room door, ready to beat the little prick who was bullying his friend once more.
"Hey! Leave him alone, dirtbag!" Max screamed, assuming only Hunter would be in there.

"You mean dirtbags?" The football team said, grabbing Max by the arms. Max started to scream and struggle. "Help! Help!" He cried.

Two boys grabbed Jack by the midsection and tipped him upside down in the toilet, soaking his head in the water. They flushed it once, twice, three times before lifting Jack out and giving him a noogie. Max watched in horror, he had received a few wedgies in his life, but never a swirly.

"It's your turn, Maxy."

Before he could move, his head was already soaking in the smelly toilet water. Mike started slapping Max's ass and laughing, watching as everyone took pictures and videos.

They lifted Max out of the toilet and turned him towards the flashing cameras. "Smile. You're going viral." Hunter whispered.

Next, Anthony pulled down Jack's pants and tore off his button down shirt, revealing his little Hanes tighty whities and pale chest. He grabbed Jack's waistband and began pulling and pulling.

He lifted Jack into the air and strapped his underwear onto a toilet stall. Of course, Jack was used to this, but what he wasn't used to was watching it happen to his friend.

Mike ripped off Max's shirt and pants, before tossing him to Hunter. Hunter looked down at Max's undies. Fruit of the loom tighty whities.

He grabbed the waistband and pulled up with every ounce of his muscles. The whole team erupted into another bout of laughter, and the sound of cameras clicking grew. They hoisted Max up and hung his undies from a coat hook right across from Jack.

They both hung there, in nothing but their tighty whities, while an entire football team filmed them like they were movie stars.

Hunter grabbed Max by the waist and yanked him down to eye level, forcing his underwear up his butt even more. "Say you're a wedgie bitch." Hunter said, grinning. "Say it."

"You're a wedgie bitch, Hunter Tillery." Max growled, giving Hunter a death stare. The whole team gasped.
"What did you just say?" Hunter screamed.
"I repeated you. Just like you said."

Hunter slapped Max cleanly across the face. "I don't think you understand, bitch. I have all the power here." He said. "I can fucking kill you. Apologize to me."

"I'm sorry." Max said sarcastically.
"Good, now say you're a wedgie bitch."

Jack looked at Max with tears in his eyes. "Just say it." Jack mouthed, as if pleading Max to not shoot himself in the skull.

"I'm-" He took a deep breath. "I'm a..."
"Say it, nerd"
"I'm a wedgie bitch."
The whole team exploded with cheers and laughter, high fives and cameras clicking.
"Now let us down." Max said with a beet red face.
"Oh, that's not how this works, wedgie bitch. We leave you here overnight." Hunter said with a grin.


"Hey kid, wake up." Max awoke to see Coach Tillery, Hunter's daddy, jiggling him awake.
Everyone in the locker room was snickering and trying to get a picture.

Coach Tillery lifted Max and Jack off of the hooks and placed them on the ground, before walking away like nothing happened.
"Hey wedgie bitch!" One boy screamed, shoving his phone into Max's face. Hunter posted a wedgie compilation of him and Jack, and it had over ten thousand likes. There goes his reputation.

The football team faced no repercussions, Coach Tillery even gave his son a damn high-five.

Needless to say, Max never messed with Hunter again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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