Chapter 1: Prologue

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My name is Nana. Nana Denki. I was just another 8-year-old like everyone else.

Do you recall when you were a kid? The fascination with how things work. The thrill of discovery. That's how I feel when I use a battery to light a lightbulb on that day. I'm just astounded.

"Ah! Amazing!"

As I look at the socket. I realized something.

"If it's this bright with just a battery ..."

"It'll be even brighter if I connect it to the socket!"

There was a bright flash of light and sound. And then there was eerie darkness and silence.

When I open my eyes, I see nothing.

There was nothing there.

Take a left.


Take a right.


Look up.


Look down.


It was a never-ending void of nothingness.

That's how I ended up there.

In that sea of nothingness, It was terrifying and lonely there. I scream as loudly as I possibly can. I'm hoping to hear back from someone. Just one person. Anyone? But no one was there.

At the time, I had only one idea going through my mind.

"Ah! Amazing!"

Suddenly, someone or something materialized.

An entity that looks like it tries too hard and fails miserably to disguise itself as a human.

That thing appears to be a middle-aged Caucasian male with a tall, slim build and light skin.

Skin that is overly pale. Like really really overly pale.

 It blurs the line between someone who hasn't seen the sun in years and a recently deceased body in the early stages of decomposition.

It's distorted, crumpled, and melting-looking. Like a very dry raisin.

That hangs on its body like oversized tangled clothing that is barely holding itself together.

Underneath, I can see some dry decaying grey flesh.

The entity is dressed in an outdated outfit that resembles an Edwardian-era morning coat with a little top hat.

All of that makes it look like an old Edwardian gentleman who has been around forever, lost in time, is unable to change with the continuously changing world, and eventually becomes forgotten and reduced to little more than an empty husk of oldness.

Like a very old raisin.

At the time, there is only one idea revolving inside my little head.

"Can I call you Mr. Raisin?"

Mr. Raisin ( entity): "M.I...ssss.. .Na..naa.."

"Hi! My name is Nana. Nice to meet you!"

"Succchhh aaa mis...fortu..nate."

"s..some...onneeee. sooooo. yo..ung. died sooo so...on"

"Wee too. offer you"

"A chancess"

"Youu.. can. goo too heaa..even Or.. beiinng reain..cranated inn another worlddd"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, But OK! Sound fun!"

"Ahhh. veeryy wiseee choiceees."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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That time I got reincarnated after an electric incident in a Cyberpunk world.Where stories live. Discover now