Chapter 4-Rescue

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"You two were up early today," Julieta remarks as we sit down. "Oh Y/n was helping me with my chores, I wanted to get an early start." Camilo says, looking at me with a look implying that this was the cover story we were going with. "Yes," I agree, "We wanted to get it done before breakfast." Julieta seems to buy the story and I let out a sigh. Camilo holds my hand under the table and I squeeze his affectionately. After breakfast Camilo pulls me aside. "I'm sorry mi vida but there's something important I need to do today, I can't be with you today but please go have fun I will join you again at dinner." I smile in understanding "I'll miss you today Cami, but I understand." He grabs both my hands in his and kisses me lightly on the forehead. "Adios mi amor, I will see you soon." He runs back into the house and I turn around, only to be startled by Dolores standing behind me. "So, Camilo and you? When did that happen?" I can feel the red in my cheeks as I stutter; "Camilo? No we're just friends-" I know there's no point lying. "Do you call all your friends 'mi amor'?" I let out an exasperated sigh and nod my head. "Please don't tell anyone, especially not Abuela, I know she won't like it..." Dolores smiles and I somehow know she won't betray the secret. "Of course, I'm just glad Camilo found someone. You're good for him, but don't hurt him, or you will answer to la familia." Her expression tells me that it's not an empty threat. "Abuela needs me, *squeak*" Dolores hurries away into the house and I begin walking towards the village.

I say hello to the villagers and join a group of children playing in the town square. "Where's Camilo?" A blonde haired girl with braids asks. "I'm sorry Cecilea, he's busy today." The girl sighs but grabs my hand and leads me back to her peers. "Everyone, look! Y/n is here!" I laugh as the children cheer and beckon me to join their game. They're playing with a ball made of brown leather and kicking it to each other. I join in enthusiastically. After a few hours I spot Luisa removing a fallen tree from the road. "Luisa! Come play!" I call out. Luisa looks surprised by my offer, but she smiles and jogs over towards us. "What are we doing Y/n?" She asks as I kick the ball towards her. "Ah I see." She says and she prepares to kick the ball. As soon as her foot collides with the ball I realise what's about to happen. The ball soars through the air, zooming so fast it's merely a blur. The children watch and gasp as it flies over the roofs of the village and past the outskirts of the town. Eventually we see it land in a tall tree near the edge of the forest. "Maldito sea!" I exclaim. "What are we going to do now?" One of the young girls asks, looking up at me. "Don't worry chiquita," I say reassuringly, "we'll get it back." "LUISA!" Someone suddenly calls. "I'm sorry Y/n but I need to go, are you sure you can get the ball back without my help?" I can hear her name being called again. "It's ok Luisa I'll manage," I say with a smile. "Vamos, let's get that ball back."

I make my way out of the village towards the forest with a crowd of small children at my heels. "How are you going to get it out of the tree? You don't have a gift, do you?" A little brunette boy asks. "Well, I don't need a gift to climb a tree do I?" I laugh as we reach the tree that the ball flew into. "You guys stay down here, I'll climb up and get it." I begin to climb the tree, wrapping my arms and legs around the trunk and slowly make my way up far enough to grab the first branches. I manage to make it to the top of the tree and I can see the brown leather ball nestled in a leafy branch just out of reach. I lean towards it, stretching my arm as far as I can. Almost....Almost.... *CRACK* The branch I'm leaning against snaps and I am flung forward. My hand knocks the ball out of the tree before it collides with another branch. My feet slip off of the branch I was standing on and I am suspended in mid air, hanging on by one arm. I grab onto the new branch with both hands, breathing heavily. My feet dangle below me, searching for a new standing point, but they find nothing but air. I slowly look down and see the ground far below me. The wind whips my hair around my face and I can feel the panic setting in. I try to calm myself down but my head is spinning and my hands are becoming sweaty. "HELP! HELP SOMEONE!" I cry out desperately. I look down again and see the group of small children, 2 of them run off whilst the others call out my name. My grip is slipping. I can't attempt to climb down without the risk of falling, and there aren't enough branches to break my fall. I'm stuck.

Back at the Madrigal House....

Dolores is sitting at the kitchen table, helping Julieta prepare lunch. In the middle of kneading a batch of dough for arepas, she stops. She listens tentatively. "What is it, Dolores?" Julieta asks. "It's Y/n, she's in trouble," Dolores says before jumping out of her chair and running out. She runs towards Camilo's room, and bursts inside. Camilo is pulling the giant curtains across his stage, concealing something. "Dolores-" He begins as his sister rushes towards him. "Wha-" but she cuts him off; "It's Y/n, she's in trouble, somewhere outside the village!" Immediately Camilo runs towards the door, his eyes wide with fear. "Let's go, hurry!"

Back outside....

I'm barely holding on. I readjust my grip again, but my arms are burning. I cry out for help again, but my voice is swallowed by the wind. I close my eyes, trying to take deep breaths. My heart is racing. I can't hold on any longer. My fingers slip one by one until the branch is no longer in my grasp. I feel myself falling and the branches snap against my body as I crash towards the ground. All I can think about is Camilo, and my family, who I haven't seen since I got here. I close my eyes tight, bracing for the fatal impact I know is coming. Any second now, I think as tears form in my eyes.

*THUD* The impact comes but I don't hit the ground. Someone catches me. I can feel strong arms holding me tight. I slowly open my eyes. Luisa's face is peering down at me. "Lu-Luisa?" I murmur. She places me on the ground gently and I see a blur of yellow. Suddenly Camilo's face is inches from mine, his bright round eyes fill with tears. He pulls me into a tight embrace and I can feel his body shudder as he breaks down. "Y/n, I- I was so scared, I'm so sorry I never should have left your side! I don't know what I would have done if Dolores didn't hear you-" I stroke his hair and hug him tighter. "I'm ok Camilo, I'm ok." He pulls away and his face is stained with tears. He sniffles and I place my hands on his cheeks, tenderly wipe away the tears. "Shh, don't cry cariño." I smile weakly as he pulls himself together. Cecilia runs up to me and hugs me whilst exclaiming how sorry she is that she let me climb the tree alone. "Oh Cecilia it's nobody's fault, I'm a big girl I make my own decisions." She smiles "You're ok now though right?" She asks. I nod, and she runs back to her friends. They wave before running back to the village.

I go to stand up but a shooting pain rushes through me. I wince and collapse back onto the ground. "Senorita! Don't get up! Dolores, go get Julieta!" Camilo rests my head in his lap and places his hand on mine. "Cami, I'm fine-" I try to get up again but the pain is excruciating. "Y/n, you're bleeding, please don't move, Julieta will heal you." I look up through blurry eyes and see Camilo's anxious face. My heart breaks to see him like this. "Cami-" I murmur. "Shhh, Y/n, shhh, help is coming." He strokes my cheek and brushes the hair from my face. I can hear footsteps approaching and Julieta's worried voice drifts towards me. "Ay no!" She exclaims. "Y/n hold on, eat this." She hands me an empanada and I slowly bite into it. As soon as I swallow the first bite, the pain in my body disappears. I hastily sit up, and Camilo embraces me again. "Thank you Julieta." I say. "And you Dolores," She smiles and nods before helping me to my feet. "Camilo, please don't cry again, this isn't your fault, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." He gives a tremulous smile, and I can see more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I was preparing something for you. It was so stupid I should have just stayed with you-" I place one hand on his cheek. "Don't be sorry, there is no way you could have known. I'd love to see what you've been doing though." I say and he slides his hand into mine and we walk back to the house. I insist to Julieta that I feel perfectly fine, just a bit shaken, and thank her again. By the time we reach the house it's almost sunset. Camilo holds my hand and takes me inside "Come chica, I have a surprise for you." 

Mi Corazón Book 1(Camilo Madrigal and y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now