Captured Part 3 Not For Long

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Guys never again NEVER again will I look up the word asylum...I was getting ideas from the pictures...scary stuff man. Scary stuff *cries in a corner* just go read...
Mike POV
I paced back and forth. It was 6:11 y/n was supposed to be here by now. I started to get worried. What if something bad happened to her? What if She's dead? No. No She's Not. I grabbed my coat and ran outside. I ran and ran. I kept running for what seemed like hours. It was only 3 miles away. I can handle this. I ran and ran. I felt No pain in my legs. Just the determination to see y/n again. I ran for what seemed like hours. I was arriving at the pizzeria. I pushed the door open and entered and ran to the stage. Freddy was hunched over. Head in face. Something was definitely wrong.
"Y-yeah?" You could tell he was crying.
"Where's y/n?"
"Freddy. Where is y/n..."
"He took her..."
Freddy turned around. His hands had black ooze dripping from them. Black ooze started running down his eyes. His tongue bloody red. His skin...grey.
"I have a plan though..."
"What happened..."
"Long story, but we need to get to the Asylum. It's our only shot of getting there." I nodded in agreement.
"Uhm. And how are we going to get there?"
"Yes we. I'm not gonna sit here and rely on one person to go and save her. I'm coming."
"Me too."
"And me."
"Me too."
As me and Freddy turned around there was Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica. In black.
"We are so ready to kick some Gold butt." She giggled. Freddy and I exchanged confused glances.
"We are coming too!" Chica screamed.
"Oh. Okay...I guess the way I was going isn't gonna work out is it?" Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy nodded. Mike just stood there slightly confused.
"Why don't we just go running." Everyone looked at Mike like he was crazy. "Aw guys C'mon. Let's go. But Let me get y/n's stuff from her office."
Freddy nodded and waited with the gang. His eyes and skin color went back to normal thats good. I went to the office and looked inside. I am going to get you back y/n. I heard some running footsteps Oh well. I kneeled over to pick up her bag in the left corner. A golden haired person appeared in front of me. I lost balance and heard my name being called as I fell forward.
"Mike!!!!" Freddy yelled. He jumped and landed on Mike who landed on Gold...there was a black flash and there they were at the asylum...
"Get off of me!" Gold yelled.
"No." Freddy replied sternly.
"Fine." Gold smiled and disappeared under their grasps.
"Damn it!" Freddy's echo went throughout the building. There were wheel chairs with straps to hold their patients in scattered around. A porcelain doll sitting on a window sill. The window was covered my metal black bars. The walls had hand prints on them bloody ones...there was a kid laughing somewhere in the building? It was dark outside. The sun didn't even seem to shine over here. The doors all had 5 locks on them. Each room had a metal bed, and itchy blanket, and a chain. In all the rooms there was blood on the floor. There were chains broken at the door and inside the room as well. I looked at Freddy with a worried glance. He looked worried as well.
Chica POV
Uh Oh. I watched as Freddy and Mike disappeared... I looked up at Foxy and Bonnie.
"So are we running or what??" I asked.. They looked at me like I was a nut job.
"I guess I will then." I shrugged and walked to the exit. Shivers went down my spine as I opened the door and the cold air tickled my Arm. I pushed it open and began running then I stopped dead in my tracks...
"Who knows Where the asylum is?" Foxy and Bonnie didn't know either. We ran back to the pizzeria and got a map.
"Aye here be the place." He pointed at an area it said Asylum. There were No stores whatsoever around it. We took a potty break and went running out. It is Saturday. No one is supposed to come Saturday. We ran and ran it was supposed to be 8 miles from here. Foxy was the fastest then Bonnie then little old me. We ran for what seemed like hours, but I tend to exaggerate. So Let's say 15 minutes. After 15 minutes we had run 3 miles. Not bad. For Foxy. He was running a mile ahead of me and he was half a mile ahead of Bonnie so we were all separate trying to get there.
Arriving at the asylum...
As I barely barely arrived there was Foxy and Bonnie looking up at the asylum. The building was huge. It was 10 stories high. The building was a white color, but was starting to fade to a grey color. I looked at the door. It was a huge double door. I pushed it open and worst things to see in an asylum. Someone in it. There was a little girl laughing and giggling skipping around the place. She had the clothes on of when she was put here. It had blood, rips and tears here and there. She had a big smile on her face. And a knife in her hand. We quietly closed the door not wanting to get the little girl's attention. We tip toed upstairs and looked around for and sign of Freddy and Mike. Although we didn't hear any laughing anymore...
Freddy POV
Mike and I heard a little girl's laughter come closer and closer. She had a asylum suit on with rips, tears, and blood. She had a big smile and a knife in hand. She skipped around where we were. She giggled and laughed as if she were playing a game with a couple of friends. Mike and I quietly went up a floor. There was No laughing anymore. We went up the stairs and saw a door start to close. A crying sound come from it too. It was probably Where they were holding y/n. I took Mike to the door and he followed. We put our ear against the door and heard begging.
"Gold Please. Don't do this. Be good. Have a heart. Please. Let me go. I don't want to be here anymore."
"No. You're mine forever." We didn't hear any talking after that. Mike and I tried so hard to open the door but it was needing a key. Gold has it Damn it. But we could pry it open. I saw a needle on the floor and picked it up. I slipped it through the key hole and started to move it around trying to listen for a click. But all I heard was a giggle come from behind me.
"What are you doing Mister. You're going to get in trouble if you keep going that." The little girl stood there with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.
"Oh. Sorry." I got up and pretended to walk away with Mike. There was No way I was hurting a kid. Or getting hurt by one. As soon as we heard her leave we went back to the door and got to work.
"Gold. NO! PLEASE!"
I started working faster there was a click I pushed the door open and saw Gold on the floor. He was out cold. Y/N was sitting on the metal bed cradling herself trying to calm herself down. She saw me at the door and smiled.
"Freddy! Dad!" She ran to the door but got pulled back. She looked down at the chain and chuckled to herself.
"Can you guys get me out of this?" We nodded I went to her and she picked up her hand and put the needle in the key hole. She looked at me with hope in her eyes.
"Where's Ch- never mind." She smiled and looked at the door. There was Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy panting. There was giggling and footsteps behind them. Foxy's head shot up and he closed the door.
"That little girl is crazy!" Chica yelled.
"Tell me about it. I had to have a hook fight with the lassy." He pointed at his hook and it had some scratches on it.
Foxy's flashback...
I was running from the lassy with Bonnie and Chica hoping not to get caught by her knife. I stopped in my tracks and realized I could have a small sword fight with her. This would be fun. I turned around and charged at the lass. Chica and Bonnie stood there shocked. I stuck out my hook. She stuck out her knife. She swing at me the fight begun. She swiped at my stomach a moved back she missed by an inch I wasn't going to hurt her. All I wanted to do was throw the knife somewhere she couldn't get it. She swiped at my hook. Making little scratch noises with it. They were ugly noises they hurt my ears. Chica and Bonnie were working on trying to block out the noise. The little lass smiled at the sight. Now was my chance. I grabbed the knife from her hand and threw it across the hallway making it go the other end.
"Runnn!!!!" I yelled and we ran up floors until we saw the open door.
End of Foxy's flashback...
As I finished taking the chain off of Y/N. Gold awoke. Great. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. He did too. His pupils were a dark red. I could feel my body fill with rage again. Oh No. I felt my eyes turn pitch black once again, my lips turned black, I looked down at my grey skin. I felt a liquid come from my mouth and eyes. I knew what it was the black ooze. Gold's eyes started time fill with terror. My fists clenched and I looked him in the eye. He jumped and looked at the door.
"Get out!" I yelled. He did as he was told and he opened the door and was greeted by a knife to the leg.
Oh I Love that little girl now...
He yelped and ran away from the little girl while was now chasing after him. I looked at y/n she was a little scared, but it went away when she saw Gold leave. I felt myself go back to normal. The ooze went away, my skin had color again, and my eyes did too. I sighed in relief and sat on the metal bed.
"Thank you Freddy." I looked over at her she was smiling.
"I Love you y/n there would have been no way that i would leave you here." I kissed her lips softly. She returned the kiss. She moved back and took my hand and Mike's.
"Let's go home." Chica giggled.
"Yeah. This place is giving me the creeps." Bonnie's ears twitched. Foxy was the first out the door. We all ran after him and laughed all the way to the stairs.
I looked at the stair case railing as we arrived. Foxy was starting down the stairs.
This is going to be fun.
You jumped on the rail and went sliding down past Foxy. You could hear laughs behind you. You did that until you reached the end. You were laughing like crazy at the End. Who knew you could have this much fun at an asylum? Foxy came panting after you.
"Aye lassy! You be a cheater." He laughed.
"I did take the stairs didn't I?" You giggled. Chica came and flew for a split second. She landed on a wheel chair. She giggled and got up. Bonnie came and was hopping and jumped one big one and landed on his feet. Freddy and Mike came walking down the stairs panting. You all laughed and started walking back to the pizzeria. As you arrived you took the keys out of your pocket and threw them at Mike.
"Hey Dad can they spend the night at our place?" You asked.
"Yeah." They all cheered and went running inside and came back out with a bag each. They all hopped in the car and you all drove home.
Omfg! This is such a long chapter. So you have been saved! Yay!!! K. Bye guys.

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