Isabella Bellinger is Cody Bellinger sister she goes to her first dodger game with her best friend she sees a lot of cute players but she doesn't know if she wants. She lives a rlly luxurious life but she is not happy
"Isabella are you ready to go to the game" Cody asks
"Yes Cody I'm almost done just let me call Emily" she responded
I was so excited to go to my first baseball game with my brother Cody I never been to one I knew some of the guys but not all of them I know Cory always brings him over to the house they were supposed to play the New York Yankees I was very excited.
"Isabella hurry up" Cody yelled
Isabella called Emily and told her that they were going to your house Cody had a little crush on her when we made it to her house Cody made me sit in the backseat so Emily can sit in the front Emily giving Cody a kiss on the cheek.
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What i wore to the game
Cody didn't really approve what I wore to the game but I didn't have anything else.he was very overprotective of me.
When we made it to dodger Stadium Cody and I went to the clubhouse Emily went to sit in our seats Cody grabbing a towel and putting it over my ass I saw Cory and gave him a big hug.but my Eyes immediately laid it on A player with the number 50 I asked Cody Who that was.
"Cody who is that" I pointed
"Oh that's Mookie" he's said
Before I can even tell him anything he drag me out of the clubhouse all the players were staring at me I think he got a little jealous I ran to Emily and sat in our seats The game started in the whole entire time I focused on right field.
Emily hit my shoulder
"Isabella what are you staring at so much" she said
"Nothing" I said
"Isabella I'm not stupid you're staring at number 50 in right" Emily said
"he is so cute"
"Why don't you go talk to him after the game" she asked
"I'll go ask Cody" I told her
Every time Mookie went back to the dugout he would smile at me before she knew it a security guard told her to come with him.
She asked him what's wrong it was the ninth inning the game is almost over.
Security guard:One of the Dodgers players told me to come and get you
"and which player would that be" she asked
Security guard: I can't say
He told me I just followed and where he told me to go it was a little room near the clubhouse he told me to sit down and he turned on the TV so I can watch the game after the game was over he called me and walk me out of the little room and he told me to wait in the hallway and the player would be here I thought that it would be Cody.
I see someone somewhat tall wearing the number 50 on the Jersey he walked in front of me and I realize that it was Mookie the guy that I saw in the clubhouse he walked up to me.
"Hey beautiful" he said
I said "hi" nervously
He was so much cuter up close.
"You look really good to just come to a baseball game" He said
"Thank you" I said blushing
His hand on my shoulder and he asked
"What is your name beautiful"
"Isabella" I said
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said
"What is your Instagram" he said with a big smile
I told him my Instagram and I looked behind him and I saw Cody walking towards us he got closer to me putting both hands on my shoulders Cody yelled his name.
"Mookie my guy" Cody said
Mookie turned around "what's up belli"
Cody's seeing me behind Mookie.
"What are you doing here?" Cody asked
"Oh um she's with me do you know each other?" Mookie said
"She's my sister" Cody responded
"Oh I didn't know" he said
"Nah it's OK man" Cody said
Cody grabbing my arm and again putting a towel over my ass Mookie grab my arm.
"Where are you guys going" Mookie said
"I think it's time for Isabella to go" Cody said
mookie: "But I don't think she wants to go home"
I think Cody got a little jealous again.
Cody: "it's getting late she needs to go"
Cody pulling me by my hand with the towel still over my ass I looked back at Mookie and smiled he smiled back at me my phone vibrated and I saw that mookie follow me on Instagram my heart started beating fast.
Cody: "who was that"
Me: "Someone liked my photo on Instagram"
"Okay" Cody said
Corey had to take me home because Cory were still celebrating the win they won 5-2. walking out of the stadium I saw Aaron Judge he said hi and I said hi back.
"Where are you going" Aaron judge said
I responded "I have to go home"
"U have to go home" he said
Me: "Yeah Cody is making me"
"OK then bye" he said
Me : bye Aaron
Cory drove me home walking me to the door I open the door walking into the empty mansion that Cody bought me it was so lonely Corey drop me off first before going to drop off Emily.
Before laying on my bed I decided to post a photo on my Instagram
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