Isabella Bellinger is Cody Bellinger sister she goes to her first dodger game with her best friend she sees a lot of cute players but she doesn't know if she wants. She lives a rlly luxurious life but she is not happy
Isabella pov I was starting to get tired of Dansby not in a rude way but I don't know why he gets mad for no reason and doesn't realize things anyways I got up and went to Zoe's room I stood over her crib and looked at her peacefully sleeping I went downstairs to go eat Dansby was still sleeping when I was almost done eating I heard so we cry I went upstairs and started to breast-feed her
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Of course Dansby didn't even get up I went downstairs and I took her with me we laid on the couch and I fell asleep Zoe did too
I woke up and I left Zoe on the couch I went upstairs and I saw Dansby still sleeping and I saw a stain of the gatorade I guess Dansby was tired they were going to play the Red Sox I was excited because I wanted to see Xander and he's not much of a bitch like Dansby they were going to play at 5:00 It was 2:45 Dansby was still sleeping "Dansby....Dansby"i said "What baby" "Wake up it's 2:46" I said grabbing his Big arm
"Yeah i'll get up right now" he said slapping my ass
5:00 It was five and Dansby was already at the stadium I was going with Allison I was driving and Allison had Zoe we made it to the stadium and I was walking around the field with Allison and I saw Xander my heart dropped and I ran to hug him his arms grabbed my waste But of course Dansby saw He grab my and pulled me into the Braves dugout "Why did you hug him" Dansby said yelling at me "" "I don't care I don't want you talking to him" he yelled at me again He grab my wrist and shove me out of the braves dugout I fell on the ground and Dansby just walked away Freeman saw and grab my hand and pick me up "Isabella you should leave him" freeman said I didn't respond and just looked at Freeman I just walked away to Alison "Are u okay" I didn't say anything and grabbed Zoe and went to my seat from my seat I saw Dansby flirting with a girl *The end of the game* It was the end of the game and I just ignoredDansby "Dansby this is not gonna work" I told Dansby "What are you talking about" "Me and you dating is not gonna work" "I think it's working" "No it's not Dansby" " am srry Dansby I can't do this anymore" I said getting out of the car with Zoe I went back into the stadium and I found Xander
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