Isabella Bellinger is Cody Bellinger sister she goes to her first dodger game with her best friend she sees a lot of cute players but she doesn't know if she wants. She lives a rlly luxurious life but she is not happy
I woke up before Mookie trying to get out of bed without waking him up I grabbed his gray hoodie that was on the groundand and I put a pillow to replace my body
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Then I put it on I heard a knock at the door and I went to go open it
It was Cody
I got scared
I didn't have shorts on only my underwear but the hoodie was oversize
Me: "oh hi Cody"
Cody: "what are you doing here and who's hoodie is that"
"I just wanted to come with Mookie to San Diego and this is my hoodie"
"that is not your hoodie" he said sniffing it
"It smells like Mookie's cologne"
"it's because I hugged him" I said
"OK"he said" where is Mookie at we have a game"
"He's on the bed "
"y'all didn't sleep together right"
"Yeah no we didn't"
"Well tell him to go to my room when he comes out"
"Okay" I said
"Room 543" He said
"Okay" I said almost closing the door
"wait Isabella I'm sorry for yelling at you" he's said
"No it's OK I don't really care anymore"
"You're my baby sister and I just want to make sure that no one hurts you" Cody told me
"It okay I love you" I said closing the door
I walked to the bed and I saw mookie hugging the pillow I gently shook him and tell him to wake up you have to get ready for the game
He yongs pulling me to the bed
"Mookie baby u have to go to your game" I said smiling
"Lay in bed with me for a little bit" he said leaving more hickeys on my neck
"Are u wearing my hoodie" he asking smiling
"Yeah 🥺" I said kissing his face
"Awww u look so cute babe"
Mookie gets up grabbing my waste.
"Damn baby u got a lot of hickeys"
"I know"
"Did Cody see them"
"No I don't think so he would've yelled at me if he saw them"
"Ok baby let me go and change so I can go to the game"
"make sure to go to Cody's room he told me to tell you"
"Okay baby do you want to go to the game with me"
"OMG YESSS" I say excitedly
"OK baby I'll get you jersey with my name"
"Awwww I love u"
I kissed him on the lips we got dressed and then we went to Cody's room I put on a black hoodie under so Cody wouldn't be able to see my neck
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We knocked on the door and waited for Cody to open it Cody opened it
"Ummmm I think you're wearing the wrong jersey" he said not even saying hi
"Cody I just wanted to where his Jersey" I say
Mookie laughing
We went to Petco Park The Padres were warming up I went to the dugout with Cody and mookie
I was going to sit next to mookie but Cody pulled me to sit next to him
"Bruh what's wrong with you" I said
"I want you to sit next to me" Cody said
"Okay whatever" i said
I looked over at Mookie smiling ☺️
I wasn't doing anything in the dugout I was just sitting there I was going to go to my seats I walked out of the door walking into the hallway I thought someone was behind me a pair of hands grab my waist it was mookie.
"Isabella I was wondering if you wanted to date"he said nervously
"Omg yesss" I said hugging him
Mookie kiss my face but then I saw Cody coming over to us
"Bro what are you doing the games is going to start" Cody said
"Yeah am going" mookie said
Mookie give me a couple kisses and then left
"Bye I love u" I said
"Love u to baby" mookie said
I ran to my seat which was by the dugout I saw The Padres take the field first Cody was first he just struck out then it was Chris Taylor he got a Single mookie was next and got a homer he was running the bases he was close to the dugout and blew me a kiss