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Today is New Year's Eve and Soobin decided it would fun to take his boyfriend out on his ideal date. When they were in school, Yeonjun loved to skateboard and the older would spend all of his time in the park, riding his favorite board.

"Woah" Yeonjun's eyes widened when he saw his boyfriend walk over to him with two skateboards in his hands. "Are you serious?"

"Yup" he smiled his bunny smile at him. "Are you ready?"

Yeonjun was more than ready. It has been way too long since the last time he came here. This park holds special memories for him, one of them being the best one he shared with his boyfriend.

An eighteen-year-old Yeonjun laughed at his friend who had just tripped on the ground, face first. "You are so clumsy"

Soobin who was seventeen at that time rolled his eyes at his hyung and dusted himself up. "You know I'm bad at skateboarding"

"I'll teach you"

"No thanks. I'm tired" he puffed his cheeks and sat on the bench. "You carry on"

For the next half hour, he watched Yeonjun perform tricks on the board. He was good, the younger thought. Yeonjun was really good and talented at everything he did, be it rap, dance, or skateboarding. It amazed Soobin to see such a perfect human.

"Water" Yeonjun jogged up to Soobin and plopped down on the bench against him. He was sweating buckets.

"Here you go" the older chucked the entire bottle in one go and dropped his head on Soobin's shoulder.

"Eww, you stink" Soobin fake gaged and lightly nudged his shoulder. "Get off me"

Yeonjun snaked his arms around the then brunette's waist and held him tightly. "I know you love me so stop acting otherwise"

Soobin blushed and didn't move after that. He let Yeonjun rest against him. It was just how his hyung is. Very flirty. At first, he just shrugged off his I love you's as a friendly gesture but now, after so many years, it didn't sound friendly. At least not to Soobin. He looked down to stare at the side profile of the older and smiled before fixing his electric blue hair.


Soobin hummed.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Have you ever thought about dating someone?" Yeonjun asked.

"I-i don't know. Why?"

Yeonjun sat straight and looked at his friend with a blank expression. "Tell me, have you ever imagined yourself dating someone? Be honest"

Soobin nodded, not knowing where this conversation was going. "Yes I have"

"Do you see yourself in a relationship? In the future?"

Soobin nodded again.

"Have you ever thought about dating me?" Yeonjun looked really serious. "Do you like the idea of being in a relationship with me?"

Soobin was speechless. He didn't know how to respond so he just hummed in response.

"You know what" Yeonjun took his hands and held them tightly. "I imagine us dating all the time"

"You do?"

"Yes. And guess what? I like the idea of calling you mine"

Soobin was as red as a tomato. He couldn't believe his ears. "H-hyung-"

"I like you Binnie." He deadpanned. "I like you a lot"

"I-i like you too" Soobin squeaked.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Yeonjun's eyes were sparkling.

"Of course" Soobin wrapped his arms around his now boyfriend tightly and nuzzled his head in his neck. "I like you a lot Yeonjun hyung"

Yeonjun chuckled. "I'm sweating"

"I don't care"

And they shared their first kiss that new year's eve five years ago.


"Remember in Daegu," Beomgyu took a bite of his chocolate ice cream before continuing. "You said that you were glad moonchild is me."

Taehyun almost dropped his strawberry ice cream.

"What did you mean by that?" Beomgyu cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Umm, I don't remember saying anything like this" the younger sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze. "Did I really say this?"

"Maybe I heard it wrong" Beomgyu chuckled and carried on eating his ice cream. Truthfully speaking, Beomgyu didn't hear it wrong. He even remembers clearly when Taehyun said because falling for two people at the same time isn't something I wanted.
You may call him slow but Beomgyu was far from being dumb. He might not give the impression of a keen observer but he definitely paid attention to what was happening around him. Especially when it included the younger.

It has been a week since they came from his hometown and since then Beomgyu had been trying to figure out what exactly the other boy had meant. Yeah, he has realized that there is a fat chance of Taehyun liking him but why would he fall for moonchild? That's just a random account on that orange app. How can he like someone without ever meeting them?

"I like your new cover" Taehyun threw his empty paper cup in the garbage bin. "You are really good"

Beomgyu smiled. "It's an original actually. But thanks"

"What? You made that song?"

"Changbin hyung did. I just sang what he asked me to"

Taehyun was really impressed. His first impression of Changbin was not very good, he found him intimidating and scary but that man was definitely very good at his job.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" They had reached Taehyun's dorms.

"Oh okay. See ya" Taehyun turned around to walk away but Beomgyu grabbed his hand and stopped him.

The older fixed his jacket and ruffled his hair. Beomgyu then pointed at his watch and grinned at a very red Taehyun.


"Happy new year Hyun"


Please listen to the song I put at the beginning of this chapter~

Ch41 and they still haven't kissed 🤡

I'm sorry for stretching this story so much:(
Please bear with me because from the next chapter it's going to get exciting!

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