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(Most the story will be in3rd person)

On November 23rd 2014 you thought I'd be a good idea to go to a park. So you changed into fall clothing put a scarf on cause it was a bit cold outside and left keys, wallet, and phone in pockets.

Once you got to the park you swung on the swings. You watched little kids push each other in a fun game of tag. Watched the seeker chase the hider. You sometimes wished you still enjoyed stuff like that. You had fun with tag just...hide and seek? That grew off you when you became 11. Said you were to old for it so never really played.

After a few minutes of watching the kids a tall lad came along. He sat in the swing beside you. You both didnt say a weird to eachother until a kid around 7 walked up to you. Not the fellow besides you. Walked up to you y/n.

"Are you and big brother dating?" The little girl asked. "O-oh no- I dont even know who he is!" You told her. While the boy just chuckled. You looked at him then back at the little girl.

"Big brother said you looked pretty" you smiled at the little girl then you heard what you thought was her mother yell outta her. "MIKO COME ON YOULL BE LATE FOR SOCCOR" the small girl said bye and hug her brother then ran off to her mother.

"Sorry about my sister" he said. "Its fine-" you said back. "What's your name" "y/n l/n" he hummed. "I didnt catch yours" you said as he stood up a few moments later "I never threw it". You laughed and he walked off

"See you towmorro at school y/n"

"He knows me?"

You thought to yourself on your walk back to your house. It was a windy day and the wind blew hard. Your jacket flew back a few times but once you got to your house everything calmed down.
Looking in the driveway you saw your mother car. You walked in. "Hi mom" "hello sweetie!" You took your shoes off and say down.

People thought your mother was a perfect woman. A saint by chance. But no. She was almost like the devil with a soft side. She did many things but she treated you right. All she did was drink and do drugs from time to time. But that was it. Never hurt you. Maybe mentally but never physically.

You walked away to your room once it got more dark outside. In your room though you felt more safe. But the tissue papers in the trash can didnt prove your safety. Nor did it prove your happiness.

 Nor did it prove your happiness

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