more bronze then brains

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The next day as the mystery boy said he saw you the next day. "Hey y/n" he says walking up to you. "Wassup?" "Uhm so I may or may not need a got one?" You nod and hand him the mentioned pencil he says a quick thanks and sits down. Where you two in the same class?

As time went on you got tired and took a small nap. The guy who's name you still didnt know tried to wake you up but I guess it didnt work. So he just sighed in defeat. Looking down at his paper. The guy was smart dont get me wrong but he still gets confused. Thinking of what the teacher was teaching, he closed his eyes and was trying to think harder. He was more stronger then smarter, more bronze then brains.

You soon woke up saw him struggling and peeked over. "Pft that's easy" you whispered to him. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "You were asleep how would you know what the teacher is teaching?" "I study" you smirk at him.

You two got to the conclusion of just letting you tutor him a little. Just a bit. Or as he says "it'll get embarrassing" god this guy. He seems all high and mighty but hes not the brightest not really mighty. Wonder always crossed your mind when it came to this guy. His name, when he was born, his favorite color, everything. "Hey" you say "what's up?" You take a minute to respond. "What's your name?" He scoffs.

You look up at him he looks down at you. Wonder is in your eyes. The colors in your eyes mix together as you wait. He most likely isnt even gonna tell you his name. Yet instead just stare at your eyes. This goes on for a while. The both of you looking at eachother. His brown-ish yellow-ish eyes staring at your [eye color] eyes. Once he realizes he's not telling you he looks away.

Your face is just a tiny bit pink from this. You cant help but think even more about this guy. He makes your heart beat race whenever you look at eachother. It's like he gets you drunk of his eyes alone. Gid what's wrong with you..

 Gid what's wrong with you

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