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One this day after y/n got kicked out of a park she and tsukki went on a walk back to the house. Once at the house y/n stopped infront of the door tsukki had already opened the door and she just stood there. Shocked. She saw her mother. She was crying and tsukkis mother was trying to calm her down so she can leave.

Her mother spotted y/n and went running to her. Tsukki got in front of y/n "younge boy move out the way I must speak to y/n." She said to tsuki but he didnt budge hes must keep yn safe. Who knows why. She never really thought of the idea of liking her just feels like it's the right thing. "kei move miss l/n would like to see her daughter"

Tsukki still didnt move. He turned to y/n who was still in shock. "Would you like me to move y/n?"
She says a small no and so he didnt move, y/ns mother was sick of this so she moved kei herself.
"Y/n my sweet little girl, I'm so sorry for all I've caused you. I'm so so so sorry." She sobbed.

Y/n knew she was full of shit. "Please miss sakuma please leave my sons girlfriend alone y/n come on inside" she smiled at y/n she moved towards the door almost stepping inside but instead she got picked up. Kei picked her up he had a feeling that her mother was going to do something before she could get in.

They went upstairs a few hours later. "Kei?" Tsukki looked at y/n when she said that. He was confused but then remebered the name thing. "Yea it's my first name" she smiled.

Y/n pov:

I now see me and tsukki have been getting closer to one another. Although the fact that we barely know eachother. Or maybe we do. Last year in my middle school years I tried to do something. I failed and ended up in a hospital. My head got injured bad leading to forgetting a few things and one of the many thing might have been tsukki.

Maybe we dated. Maybe we were friends. Lost in my thoughts I dont realizes a small girl walks in. Shes the girl from the park "oh hi again miss" she smiles at me and I smile back "are you and brother dating?" I nod and she smiles even more. After answering all her questions she leaves. I lay down on his bed again. It's way better then the air mattress.

Kei sighs and lays down aswell. "Do you remember me?" He asked. I shake my head no and he looks said. "I rember you. Alot of things about you. You may not rember but we dated for 2 or 3 weeks" he sighs. "Is that why I feel more comfortable with you then with anyone?" he shrugs. He turns to lay on his back instead of his side and stares at the ceiling.



I sit up and stare down at him. He smiles knowing what I'm thinking. I stand up and go to the bathroom to think about what the fuck just happened. We dated...

WE dated.

Me and him..

Tsukishima pov:

So, shes been in the bathroom for fifteen minutes. Okay here lemme get some things straight.

In middle school me and y/n were close though all she rembers of me is us being in the same class, she and I were good friends and later we started dating. A normal relationship youd think right? Nope. A few months later she tried to commit and when asked about why shed say because her mom which was actually why.

When we dated she told me alot about her mom even when we didnt shed say how fucked up her mom was. And when asked about a boyfriend girlfriend she said she didnt have one. The real reason for her being my fake girlfriend is because I miss her. My mom never knew about y/n.

Yea, that's all. She was my girlfriend and forgot who I was. For a while. She knows my name but for the most part forgot it.

She finally comes out and lays down. "I think I remember" she tells me "oh really? What's my full name?" She takes a second to respond "kei tsukishima?" I nod and she smiles

I just want her to be happy her moving out and moving in with me might be a good idea. I dont want her to die I truly do like her. I have since I saw her fir the first ever time. She may have not known who I was when we met at the swings but that's fine. I do like her and i just...Why am I getting so lovey dovey?

I grab her face so she faces me "why?" She says "because I want to look at you" were older now and we know that some of the things we use to say or do were cringe but that's fine. I dont think we kissed when we dated. I'd like to ask her to be my girlfriend again but it's to early she needs to rember me more. So for now friends with benefits?

I hug her and she laughs. I never thought someone like her would make get soft and nice but..shes different. I'll comfort her so my whole life even if shes with someone else I'm be there for her. I want to be there for her. I will be. I will.

Her laughs quite down and it turns into a small cry, I play with her hair and she gets closer to my chest. She looks up at me and I smile and her. "Tsuki, do you still like me?" I get a bit red and look away. "Maybe" she laughs again and says "it's fine I still gotta rember you for the most part" "yea you do" I kiss the top of her head for some reason. I close my eyes and fall asleep. My dreams are flooded with why is she so comfortable with me. That's all I think of for a while...

 That's all I think of for a while

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