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Today was a lazy day as y/n calls them. She was sick today aswell so we had no choice but to stay home. Nothing help with our shared boredom so I decided to stand up. "Look I'm bored your bored were going to get ice cream. Now." She stands up her legs wobbly and yawns "whyyyyyyyy"

"Itll help with your sore throat" she nods and put on a small jacket. She has. a cold not to bad or anything.

My mom isnt home so we just put on our shoes at the front door and leave.

We walk to the shop. It's close to my house only a few blocks away. Nothing much has been happening with me and y/n. Not sure how to feel about her knowing that i...well...jeez.

This girl. Why? She makes melt like pud- "AH-" I hear a yell then it gets muffled. I look beside me and y/n is still there so I look behind and see a small child getting snatched by some...person.

I run to the person and ask what going on. "Shes my daughter and shes not behaving well" she tightens her grip on the little girl and she shakes her head no.

"What's her name?" The woman says some random ass name but this girl look fimilar.... y/n walks beside me. "Yumiko?" The small girl nods. "Who are you?" She says to the women holding yumiko. "I'm her moth-" it gets cut off but yumikos real mother.

We called the police sometime later and got the women arrested.
I hold y/ns hand, "howd you know her?" I ask y/n

"Oh yumiko was my neighbor." I nod and walk back to the house. Y/n was going on about some memory from when she lived with her mom.


(Y/n) pov:

Once back at la casa me and tsukki had a very intense staring contest, who knows why it just happened. Weve been doing this for a minute now.

His brother walks into the house. He looks at us confused then goes to his room. Tsukki takes a quick look at my lips. I smile. "What you want a kiss?" He nods still not blinking. "Then win the contest" I say

I dont mean it...maybe I do. Who knows I've regained most my memories with tsukki and hes a good guy..he talked to me more then any of my "friends" in middle school.

He hung out with me when no one else would. He was there for me.. maybe I am falling for him...NO NO NO stop. No falling inlove not yet atleast.

I was distracted and he blows in my eyes causing me to lose. "Aye that's cheating!" He smirks "wheres my kiss?"

Well fuck.

Five minutes later

When he won the contest I ran somewhere in his house and now I'm hiding. If hes so desperate for that kiss he has to find me.

"Boo!" I jump and turn to who just scared me. Its him, tsukishima smirks and pins me to the floor in the mater of seconds.

He becomes pink. "I didnt mean to do this- sorry" he says about ti gets off me but my body moves on it own wrapping my arms around his neck I give him a quick peck on the lips.

He sit there stunned and I stand up. I lay down on the bed and fall asleep

 I lay down on the bed and fall asleep

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Boredom (tsukishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now