Bus Ride

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    I introduce my self to this cute boy next to me, "Hi, my name is Patrick, what is yours?" He looked at me and smiled "Hi! I am Ryan. I actually cant belive someone actually wants to talk with me. I have been comming to this camp for the past couple of years and no one would talk to me." I was sorry for him so I told him "Well I would gladly be your friend! I like your hair by the way." He blushed and said "Thanks, I like your eyes....i uh mean hair too!" It was confusing but I went with it.

    We just started down the road. I asked Ryan what the housing situation is. He said "They do it based on age and highth, They only put 2 people to a cabin with no "caretaker" because the care takers are only for the AB/TB people, not the DLs. I am a DL, How about you?" I know being treated like a baby would be fun but i dont think i want that, so I said "I am a DL too!" His eyes just glisened with excitement.

    We have been traveling now for 30 minutes and it was time to eat. We stoped in a plaza with McDonalds, Arbys, Chick-fil-a, and Izumi. I wanted to stick with Ryan but wanted to eat Izumi sushi. I like everything there and so I asked Ryan where he wanted to go. He told me "I like evrything here but it has been a while since I have had sushi, so I am going there." I told him that I will go with because I wanted Izumis too! So we went to Izumis, and we are the only people that like sushi. We went inside and orderd the cheapest sushi there was. I orderd 2 or the "Any 3 roles" which is about 24 roles per container. It cost $20. Ryan ordered the same.

    We went back to the bus with our bags and asked if we were allowed to eat on the bus. The answer was yes, so we went and ate our sushi. It was time to leave so we left. Me and Ryan started talking more and found out, we have a lot in common. I was happy to find someone that was like me. The only thing that I did not know was if he liked guys. If he did, he hid it. I have a good idea that he dose because of when I introdued myself.

    We have arrived. It took aproximently 3 and a half hours to get there but this will be fun!

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