The Swim Lesson

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    We finished our meal and went back to the cabin to get changed. I changed Ryan and He changed me. It was after curfew so we went back to the water front. Once we got to the waterfront I called my dad and told him I was helping Ryan out with swimming. He was happy to hear it and told me to be careful and he hung up.

    I told Ryan to just do it in his diaper because it gets soaked either way. So he did. So did I. Once we got into the water, I taught him how to swim on his back, the back stroke. He was catching on really fast. It was time to teach him the brest stroke. I taught him the brest stroke and then he got it. I let him practice and he was perfect.

    We were both in super soaked diapers and decided to just put our cloths in my bag and just walk back to the cabin. Once we reached the cabin we went inside and took off our diapers. We went into the bathroom and used the shower together to get done faster. Ryan helped me with my back and I helped him with his. When I was washing his back I went a bit lower and got his butt. He turned around quickly, pinned me to the shower wall and started kissing me. I loved it.

    Once we finished our little kissing storm, we got out and dried off. I grabed 2 diapers, one for him, one for me. I got padded first. He lifted my legs up, slid the diaper under my butt, powdered me, taped the diaper up, and patted me on the crotch. Now it was his turn, so i had him lay down, I lifted his legs up, slid the diaper under his butt, powdered him, taped him up, patted him on his crotch, and then picked him up, put him on my waist while kissing him. Then I walked us over to the bed while kissing him.

    We kissed alot and mabey we did alittle touchy, touchy stuff. Once we awoke this morning, we were pretty dry so we packed our bags so we dont have to come back to the cabin. We walked to the mess tent,, grabed our food, and sat in our usual spot. Then something unexpected happened, The other guys that were teasing Ryan, came and sat with us. "Hey you guys mind if we st with you?" The first guy asked. "I dont, Patrick?" "Sure, come sit with us." So I moved next to Ryan and they sat on the other side of the table.

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