//43//. (mature)

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So hey guys ! I am here with some new try ..so I am trying writting mature very first time so please forgive me ....GaurishaRastogi asked  me to write some mature content on riddhima jealousy ..so here I am with it ...let's start .....

Warning ⚠️⚠️ children's below age 18 stay away

It was early morning and two bodies were sleeping cuddling each other . When suddenly their sleep was broken by a phone ring and the call was attended by the women

In call conversation

Voice : Hello

Girl : Hello !! Yes ...who is speaking

Voice : Vanshu ....how can you forget the voice of your rags baby

Girl : What the fuck lady !! Who are you and how dare you call my husband as your baby ...he is only my baby ....

Voice : Chillax dude ...why are you getting this much hyper ..do one thing just handover the phone to vanshu baby

Girl : You.....

Listening to this commotion the boy laying beside her woke up

Boy : What happened sweetheart ...who is there on the other side

Girl : I don't know jaan ...but whosever she is ...she is really getting on my nerves

Boy : Calm down sweetheart ...tell me what name she told .

Girl : She said that she is some rags baby and she is calling you vanshu baby

Boy : Wait a second ...pass me the call

Girl : Yes take it as I am seriously not in the mood to argue with her in the morning itself .

Taking the phone .

Boy : Hello !! Whose that side

Voice : Vanshuuuuu babyyy ...I am rags

Boys (excitement) : Ragss ...my baby ...it's so long we contacted each other...how are you ....

Voice : Ohh god vansh !! You are still same ..so worried for me

Vansh : Off course I will be worried for you ..as you are my jaan Ragini

Ragini : Aww ...by the way who was she .. talking to me previously ....

Vansh : Ohh she ..she is my jaan ..my love ..my best half ..my soul ..my wife .

Ragini : Ohh so she was Riddhima ....am I right or am I right ....

Vansh : Yes you are very much right jaan .....

Suddenly words choked in vansh throat .....as .....

Riddhima started stroking his d*ck in anger that vansh was calling some other girl as jaan ....

Vansh (groaning) : Ra....rags...ba ...baby .....

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