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Clopeh is clenching his chest while panting hardly. Bullets of sweats are rolling down from his fore to his neck, his skin was as pale as snow, and his throat was dry due to exhaustion and anxiety. However, his expression is different from his appearance, Clopeh is smiling- no, he is grinning from ear to ear while chuckling. His shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, he laughed loudly while crouching below a desk. He could hear loud shouts outside the window, that shout is from the redhead who was looking for him, and he was hiding because he knew, that when that redhead finds him, he's dead.

"Sorry Cale-nim, this is the only way that the whole world will know how great your legend is. With this, everyone won't think you are weak just because of your body."

Clopeh whispered while grinning.


He then crawled his way out of the room and ripped a teleportation scroll. Clopeh breath heavily as he arrived at Henituse Territory, he knew that Cale is in the palace right now and is crazily looking for him, however, there is no way that redhead will realize he will be hiding in his own room.

Clopeh is a total freak, yet he knew he is sane. He stealthily sneaked into Cale's room. He set up the camera and video communication devices he had on his magic spatial bag. He can reign his task in this room without interruptions. The Molan father and son duo was with Cale, that is why he is confident enough to barged in here.

"Ah yes, a perfect place to hide."

Clopeh mouthed and sat at the sofa while activating series of devices altogether.

"Kekekekeke, I'm sure those posters have already reached the Eastern continent, finally, the fruits of my hard work. Don't worry Legend Cale, kekekeke."

Inside the glum room, a white haired man was busy clicking on the devices at hand while grinning at the sight he is seeing in front of him.



The first thing he heard when he woke up is that his face was all over the continent, and the culprit was Clopeh Sekka. He saw several and disgusting monuments and a lot of posters with his face on them as he hurriedly went to the palace.

"H-human, there are too many monuments and posters.. B-but you look great in them human!"

Raon exclaimed suppressing his laugh while covering his face with the poster he picked up on their way.

"U-uh,, you look great o-on them nya!" Hong exclaimed while turning his back on Cale.
"Cale, you look somewhat- holy and awkward on the monument." On commented while glancing on one monument,

"Pfft." Choi Han couldn't contain his amusement and accidentally slipped a laughed, but he immediately put a serious face as Cale glared at him.

"Oh my God, Young Master Shield looks so cool in the monument, He is so cool in the poster too!"

"I'm excited for the museum! I heard everyone can go inside the museum!"

"Yes! We can also see the recorder videos of fights of our hero, ah- I'm so thrilled!"

Cale wanted to faint as he heard the voices of the people from outside of the carriage they were riding. This is the end if his life, he will never get his slacker life. He remembered the call moments ago, asking if he wanted to be a model for a clothing store in the capital. He was speechless and angry, yet all he did was to stare blankly on the communication devices.

Ron, the one who attended him in his breakfast had an awkward smile on his face, Beacrox who was standing beside his father did not even glanced at him even once, he was clearly holding his smile.

Cale clenched his fists, his face showed how angry he is. His pale face turned into red while holding back himself from strangling Clopeh,- ah yes, its him, what is he expecting.

"I swear I'm gonna break his neck."

Cale turned his head to the window, but it was later on he realized that he will regret doing so. He saw himself- the monument was him. Like what he saw on those Greek statues, in his memory as Kim Rok Soo, his whole body sculpted with only just a cloth covering his lower body, that is what he is seeing. He groaned and palmed his face.

It was not holy at all!

"I want to cry."

Choi Han who heard of Cale's mumbling gulped with sweating bullets. He clenched the hilt of his sword and unconsciously closed his eyes.

When they reached the Palace, the servants and the knights are glancing while they were entering. Cale can feel their hot glazes, he wanted to dig a whole on the ground and bury himself there. He did not care about his footsteps anymore, he activated Sound of the Wind and rushed to Alberu's room. He slammed the door opened and immediately grabbed Alberu's hand.

"Your Highness, please do your best to take down those monuments and those posters around the continent. Ah no- take care of the posters, I'll burn the monuments myself, okay?" Cale huffed as he finished his sentence, and turned his back on the Crown Prince.

"Cale Henituse. Calm down." Alberu scoffed on the redhead who was sweating.

"What?" Cale snapped with Alberu's statement.

"There's no use of it, it already spread in the Eastern continent, by now, it may have reached in the Endable Kingdom too."

Alberu knew that by saying this, Cale will be enraged.

"Ha..?" Cale blankly asked him, Choi Han was signaling Alberu to not speak anymore. But Alberu continued to do so.

"Guardian Knight Clopeh Sekka passed documents about building a museum. He sent me signed documents from legal land owners. "

"I don't care about the museum, he can build it all he want, but those statues are another thing Hyung-nim.." Cale is on the verge of crying, he's clenching his fists when an audio message played behind him.

-"Young Master Cale, this is Witira, uhm,, we received your u-hm, statue, you look great with scales and fins! There are posters here too, we will keep it well. Call me when you receive this message."

Cale's mouth opened, before he could even talk, a video communication device rang, Raon accidentally accepted the call. It was Toonka.

"KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cale! My friend, what is this? KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Don't worry I hired a sculptor to create my statue next to you! KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THAT, WE WILL BE MATCHING!"

Toonka was doing the pose like the statue beside him. It was Cale wearing nothing but thin cloth covering his lower body, doing a finger-heart. Cale's entire body shivered, he look at Choi Han, who was sweating bullets avoiding his gaze.

"Choi Han." He called out, but Choi Han coughed and wandered his eyes around the room. Raon snickered beside Cale.

"Choi Han you traitor!" Cale exclaimed as he walked towards Choi Han who was looking at him nervously.

"C-Cale-nim! This is a misunderstanding! Cale-nim I didn't know he will use that pose to your statue Cale-nim!" Choi Han defended himself.

"What did I misunderstand huh?" He activated Dominating Aura to the maximum power, and glared and Choi Han, who had an anxious face.

"C-Cale-nim! Please calm down, it wasn't me! It's Your Highness! That's right! The Crown Prince pushed that pose, he said he liked it!"

"What?" Alberu had a shocked look on his face. He turned pale and walked backwards.

" It wasn't me Dongsaeng! D-dragon nim, Raon and the kids said it is a nice pose! Believe me, I would never agree to it! I know you want a slacker life right? I-I'm working my best for you to have it."

Cale look defeated. He felt betrayed, looking at the group of people he is with in the room.

"C-Cale we did not know Clopeh will create a statue out of that pose nya!" On exclaimed, explaining her side.

"T-that's right nya!"
"H-human! We don't really know about it! Don't get mad at me" Raon said anxiously as he watched Cale's face darkened. His jaw clenched, a bullet of sweat rolled down his cheek.

-C-Cale, you know were always here for you right? (Super Rock)


-You, you don't look bad in them though. (Sound of the Wind)

-Shut your mouth Thief, can't you see he's super duper mad? (Retrogressive Water)

"Haaa.." Cale sighed, breaking the silence of the room.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Cale laughed maniacally. Choi Han, Alberu, Raon, On and Hong who is hearing this shivered with the coldness of the wind.

"Haa, so this is what I get. That's right, everyone here is a traitor, I should not get help from them." Cale said to himself. Raon tried to approach Cale, but Cale laughed once again, he banged his head to the air and looked at the ceiling while laughing.


The wind was getting stronger, the wind lifted Cale and he rushed outside through the window.


Choi Han, Alberu and Raon rushed to the window, to only see Cale floating in the sky. He can see the capital below and the people who was looking at him.



The attendants and servant of the palace looked up to see their hero floating in the sky. Cale's brow twitch as he realized he is making a scene.

"Young master! Please sign my poster!" An attendant from the King's palace shouted as she wave the poster she is holding. The maid beside her pinched her elbow.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"This is my chance to approach the hero, I'm putting my lifeline here."

She answered as she saw the redhead hero descending from the sky towards their position, the maid beside her gasped.

"Oh my god! Where's my poster?!" She panicked when she saw Cale slowly descending. Cale slowly descend as he glare at the people who was looking at him in the window.


"Don't come. We're not friends anymore." He provoked the little dragon. He can't help it, he felt so betrayed and he don't want to talk to them this time. Then he descended to the ground, in front of the King's attendant.

"Oh my God, it's really him!" The maid squeaked while covering her mouth.
"He looked more handsome than his statue." The attendant stated, making Cale frown, he then smile at them, forcefully.

"Hi, may I know, where did you get those posters?" He asked while looking at them warmly.

"Y-yes Hero-nim! Hours ago, a wyvern was flying in the sky dropping lots of posters in the capital, some flew by the wind, making its way to the palace." The attendant said while eyeing him, holding a poster and a graphite stick.

Damn that crazy bastard, he even use his wyvern, is this some kind of punishment?

"H-hero-nim.. Please sign my poster.." The maid asked him hopefully, he smiled and motioned his hands, the maid handed her poster and he grabbed it.

"M-mine too Hero-nim!" The attendant exclaimed.
"Yes yes." Cale chuckled as he write something in the poster, he then grabbed the other one and signed it.

"Thank you for the information, I will go now." He said and turned his back.

"T-thank you Hero-nim!" Both shouted joyfully and squealed. Those who were looking at the two attendants rushed to them. Cale frowned and grabbed a top fro his pocket.

"Please find Clopeh this instant." Cale ordered the wind elementals.

"Don't worry Cale! Were good at finding things!"

"Sea of fire! Chaos! Destruction! Hahaha this is nice!"

"We'll be back shortly!"

The wind elementals exclaimed and scattered. Cale clenched his jaw and loosen the collar of his suit.

"If I find you, you're dead."

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