Forever Flight (Solar + Jungkook)

121 6 10

POV: Yongsun and Jungkook sit next to each other on the plane

Word Count: 3,112


Yongsun's POV

Kim Yongsun was beginning to feel bad for the people sitting around her. 

It really wasn't intentional, she would swear to them up and down if the thought of trying to interact with these people after her little show didn't make her cringe deep into her own skin. Did they really think that she would actually want to embarrass herself like this? Did they think she enjoyed the little side-eyes the passengers were giving her, that she enjoyed the sighs of exasperation and irritation? Who did they think she was? 

Frankly, Yongsun could understand why people were annoyed, but she couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't her fault that this goddamn plane was jerking and dropping like a pinball machine, or that she screamed a little every time it happened. They had taken off around a half hour ago, and for the first twenty minutes or so, it had been fairly smooth sailing- or smooth flying- but then the intercom had crackled to life and the pilots voice came on. Sorry everyone, but were going to be approaching a storm promptly. It won't be forever, but it will take us a moment to get above cloud level. Prepare for turbulence. Yongsun's stomach had dropped faster than the plane ever could have. Why did this happen to her? She was just trying to get home. I really hate heights. 

Fortunately, it was only a short connection flight before the main flight back to Seoul. The second flight, praise be, was two hours after she would get off from this one, so hopefully  the bad weather and all it brought would have passed by then. She could get some lunch, browse through the outlets, maybe get some hot tea to unwind a little bit from this whole experience. The plane lurched and another sound gurgled out of her throat. Ugh. But for now, she was here, hunched over in her seat, hands clenching the arm-rests, eyes smashed shut. At least she wasn't nauseous. Things might be way worse for her neighbors right now if that was the case. Yong let herself laugh (really thought, it was only a single choked ha). Actually, the person next to her hadn't been reacting to Yong at all. Who's next to me again? 

She opened her eyes and sat up a bit, still feeling as coiled and tense as a spring. She glanced at her neighbor. He had dark hair and big eyes, piercings, and a black hoodie on. Tattoo's peeked out from his sleeve. Cute. And he was looking right at her, his hand reached out like he had been about to touch her shoulder. 

Jungkook's POV

When the obviously stressed woman sitting next to him had looked over at him, Jeon Jungkook jerked his hand away as fast as possible. He wasn't entirely sure what he was trying to do, only that he was trying to do something  to try to help. Maybe just pat her shoulder in an act of support or offer her some water or something.

But then she had made some kind of choked noise (rather creepily if he was being honest) and had sat up so suddenly and had looked right at him. She was pretty, Jungkook noted through his panic before pulling his hand away. And she was staring at him, clearly having seen his hand despite his reflexes and was now giving him a vaguely concerned look. 

"Uh, sorry," he began, "I was just, uh, are you okay? You were kind of screaming then you kinda laughed and I was just concerned," he said a little awkwardly. Her hands were still gripping the arm rests with an alarming grip, but her eyes were open and she wasn't screaming.

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