Hello (Yoongi and Yongsun)

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This is important. Guys hear me out:

Yoongsun or Yongi ? 

Both seriously work so perfectly omg. 

Anyways, here's this pairing. I thought it might be really interesting given how dissimilar they seem on the surface. High energy vs. low, loud vs. quiet, that type of deal. 

In case you don't know, Yoongi is Suga's stage name and Solar is Yongsun's. 

POV: Yongsun moves in next door to Yoongi. 


Kim Yongsun was so annoying that it should have been impossible for Min Yoongi to feel anything more than barely contained irritation every time her too-bright face appeared in his line of sight. 

Key words: should have. 

She had moved into the next door apartment a few months ago and had immediately made her presence known. The previous tenants had moved out a few weeks before, and he had been enjoying the absence of noise coming from the other side. He should have known it was too good to last. Yoongi, as a matter of fact, had been in the middle of a delicious cup noodle dinner when the knock had first sounded, and had felt distinctly worn out from a day of working in the small home studio in his apartment. It was amazing, really, how tiring sitting still could be if you were doing something that required so much of your attention. 

When the first knock sounded, Yoongi ignored it. He was tired- he had been up late and woke up early and his soup was steaming in front of him and he just couldn't make himself get up. They'll go away if I ignore them long enough, he thought contentedly, then took a big slurp from the plastic container. 

Then the knock came again. Then disappeared for ten minutes, then returned. Yoongi groaned. At least I'm done eating. Whatever it is, whoever this is, you win this time. He set down the bowl he had been about to rinse and recycle and shooed his dog, Holly away from the door. He had been barking quite a bit, which was another factor in the unconscious victory of whoever was outside his door at eight o'clock at night. He loved Holly, but sometimes, just sometimes, he wanted to snip her vocal cords. He would never actually do it, but it was a soothing thought to entertain when he started howling at three AM when a car honked down the street. He loved Holly with all his soul, but geez, she could have the worst timing. 

Yoongi peered out the peephole. There was a woman standing there. He pulled open the door suddenly, hoping maybe to startle her. She wasn't startled. She just smiled at him widely, like he was someone she already knew.

"Hello?" Maybe he did know her and was being a total jerk right know by not being able to remember her. 

"Hello!" She said back, and stared at him for a moment. Yoongi was beginning to feel flustered and was starting to hope a plane would crash through the building when she continued. 

"You know, you don't seem to be elderly or have difficulty moving or hearing."

Yoongi choked. What?

"And you're hair's not wet, so I don't think you've been in the shower. You didn't just go into your apartment either, because I've been in the hall."

Yoongi was feeling uneasy. She was still smiling, but that round face could probably disguise any intentions. It was the type of face you just trusted. 

"Were you ignoring me?" she asked, and let the shoe drop. Yoongi stared at her now, flabbergasted and a little embarrassed. He had been ignoring her. God, what did someone say in this situation? I'm deaf in one ear and happened to be facing the door with the bad one. I was washing dishes and couldn't hear you... for ten minutes. No good. I was in the shower with a hair net on, that's why it's not wet. I was... I was listening to music! Perfect!  He opened his mouth, prepped with the perfect lie only to be cut off by her laughter. She was doubled over, even. Well, that's a little sadistic. 

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing. I wouldn't actually be upset- I ignore knocks all the time. Sometimes you just gotta stay on the couch, you know? I just figured it was proper vengeance for you trying to scare me with the door just now, along with a making a big first impression," she explained, tilting her head at him with a small smile, one that seemed more genuine than the one she had given him when he had first opened the door. Now that her true intentions are revealed, he thought. 

Yoongi let out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, then started to laugh a bit too, surprising himself. It had been a long day, and this was just the kind of thing he needed to relax. It was fair, he could admit, after repeatedly ignoring her then purposely trying to startle her (how could she even tell? It must have been how suddenly he jerked the door open). Eye for an eye, along with now having a funny story to tell his friends next time he saw them. 

"Anyways," she continued, brushing her hair behind her ear, "I just wanted to introduce myself- I'm moving in next-door- and, more urgently before you left tomorrow, to apologize for all the noise I've been making out here all day. I got all the boxes up though, so it's mostly done. I'm Kim Yongsun." She said it all in one breath, gesturing around her at all the boxes that were indeed in the hall. To be honest, Yoongi hadn't really heard her- he'd been wearing headphones for the bulk of the day, but he didn't feel like explaining that. 

"I'm Min Yoongi, and don't worry about it. It didn't bother me, and most of the other people on this hall are either older and slightly hard of hearing or at work, so I wouldn't feel too bad about anything. Not really worth it."

Yongsun smiled again. She smiles so easily. "Well, thanks for the reassurance." She paused for a moment, as if collecting her thoughts, then continued. "I guess I don't really have anything else to say, so night! It was nice meeting you," she said and began to turn to go back next door

"Hey wait," Yoongi said, stopping her. He had no idea where this was coming from, maybe guilt, maybe boredom, maybe laziness and procrastination regarding his own work. "Do you need any help unpacking tomorrow?"

"Don't you have work?"

"I'm self-employed and I work from home, so not really. Only my own conscious, I guess."

"Then I'd really appreciate it. I have a few friends coming over too, and it be a good chance to get to know each other," Yongsun said with a tilt of her head. 

"Right. Socializing is good," he said with a laugh, only half-joking.

"I think you'll like my friends, and I'll buy the coffee and breakfast, so don't worry about that," sh e said, leaning out from her door. 

Yoongi hadn't realized she was going to be unpacking in the morning. "Wait-"

"Goodnight, Yoongi, and thanks again for the help," she said with a devilish grin before disappearing entirely, leaving him with a hunch that she knew exactly what he had been about to protest. It was devious, but he had to laugh as he shut his door and bent to scoop up Holly. This was going to be interesting. 


So, funny story. 

This was originally going to just be a one shot, but then I thought of so many plot points that I couldn't possibly fit into one chapter, so I decided to make this a multi-chapter thing. 

I'll probably post it as a separate story as well as on this one (?) but there'll be special stuff over on the separate one so you should really check that one out too when it's out. 

Sorry for being inactive, third quarter was... a lot. 

Please remember to vote! It really helps- I was at #1 in the btsmoo tag for a while which was crazy, as well as being super encouraging. 

Stay safe!

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