Hello (Yoongi and Yongsun) Part II

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POV: Yongsun has moved in next door to Yoongi. This is a part two to the previously published chapter. 

In case you don't know, Yongsun is Solar's real name and Yoongi is Suga's. 

What do you think: Yongi or Yoongson? The vote is open now!!

Word count: 1, 223


Yoongi couldn't remember the last time he was glad to have gotten up early, but getting up to help Yongsun unpack next-door had surprisingly made it onto the very short list. 

It had taken his alarm two tries, but it eventually reached him through the haze of 7 AM, and after that, his conscious whispering you promised to help did the rest. He reluctantly got up, shuffled his feet into the slippers Namjoon had gotten him for his last birthday and made his way down the hall with his own mug of coffee in hand. He didn't know Yongsun well enough to trust her taste in coffee, that was for certain. 

He knocked on the door and was met with music blasting and the warm buttery scent of pastry when another girl opened it. She must be a friend of Yongsun.  The girl smiled up at him. 

"You must be Yoongi, Yongsun's told me all about you," she said.  Before Yoongi had a chance to process what that could mean, she continued. "I'm Wheein. Come on in, we just started." Wheein was small and pretty. Her hair was dyed a dark blue that really suited her. Maybe I should try that color sometime.

Yoongi followed her through the door. Music was pumping and the rest of the girls were sitting at the counter, eating whatever it was in the brown paper bags. Yongsun's apartment was similar to his, but bare and the walls were white still. Yoongi had painted his light blue a while ago. Yongsun gave him a big smile and waved him over.

"Glad you made it. We have bagels and donuts. Coffee too, if you would like," she said. Yoongi gave a cautious smile back and joined them at the island. He hadn't met new people in a while- Yoongi was the type to make friends slowly and stick with the few chosen for a long time. Now there was three new people- four if he counted Yongsun- and he wasn't sure how to act. But as he spread cream cheese on a sesame seed bagel, he realized that they probably felt the same. They had been fairly noisy before he came in, but now they had quieted down. They seemed to be gauging him, seeing how they could act around him. It reminded him of his friend Jungkook who always seemed to be trying to match the energy in a room. 

Yoongi had just finished his bagel when Yongsun clapped her hands. The other girls, Byul-yi, Hyejin, and Wheein, looked at her like they had been waiting for her direction. 

"Alright, let's get it! Yoongi, would you mind unpacking dishes? You're the tallest," Yongsun explained. Yoongi gave a small nod. It felt nice to be the tallest for once. 

Yongsun gave out other roles and the group burst into action. Music was playing- Hyejin was in charge of it- and a pleasant diverse mix of genres were being chosen. Soft R&B would meld into the newest pop song, then into a classic ballad and so on. It was like being in a karaoke both, Yoongi thought with a small laugh. The girls were singing along nearly the whole time- they had been hesitant at first, but Yongsun seemed to break them into the idea of Yoongi being there as a witness pretty fast. She was constantly including him, holding out an invisible mic for him to sing into, then complaining good-naturedly when he would duck away or shrieking with pretend horror when he accidentally opened a box of her underwear. (Yoongi hadn't been able to stop blushing for several minutes after).

Eventually, the bulk of her things were put away, beds were made and dishes organized and the five of them plopped onto the newly unwrapped couch for a breather. Discussion started up naturally enough.

"So what do you do?" Hyejin asked, sipping on her water. It was around noon now, and they were waiting for a food delivery that Yongsun had bought to thank them. Yoongi had (unrealistically) been hoping for actual money, but he supposed burgers was a just as good payment.

"Uh, I'm a producer. A music producer," he admitted. 

"Really?" Wheein sat up and asked, surprised. 

"Yeah," Yoongi said, confused by her reaction. Was it weird?

"What a coincidence! Yongsun here has just been looking for a producer!" Byul-yi cut in too, her eyes sparkling. 

"Hang on guys-" Yongsun started, sounding a little nervous. 

"A music producer? What for?" Yoongi asked, glancing at Yongsun. Her eyes were darting nervously from one of her friends to the other, as if she was trying to tell them off. "Guys, you can't just spring that on someone, I mean, he's probably super busy-"

"I'm not that busy." Yoongi didn't understand what possessed him to say that. He was busy, at least more than usual, but he wanted to know what was going on. "What do you need a producer for?"

"She's a singer," Wheein said, tilting her head in a reference to Yongsun. 

"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. That makes so much sense. 

"Yeah," Yongsun said. She still seemed a little embarrassed that her friends had sold her out like that, but she seemed more excited now. "I'm a singer. I'm working on an album. I've been doing covers and such on YouTube for years, but I'm finally releasing my own stuff. I'm really excited."

"That's cool. What's your channel name?"

"Solarsido," Byul-yi cut in. "I'm her promoter," she said with a laugh when Yongsun turned to look at her with a wide-eyed, reprimanding look. 

"So you don't have a producer yet?" Yoongi asked, considering. It was an interesting proposition, he supposed. Could be a nice break from the stuff I typically do.

"I mean, I've been in contact with a few, but I haven't chosen anyone yet or anything," Yongsun said, leaning forward. She was being serious in a way Yoongi hadn't seen before. It was intimidating and... sort of attractive. Christ, Yoongi, keep it together, he told himself. "It's tricky, and I want to be careful with who I trust with this."

"Yeah I totally get that. I got screwed over a few times pretty early on as a producer. I would make beats for people and never get paid. You gotta be careful in this industry," he said. I don't think I can't offer at this point. "Well, if you send some of your stuff over, I can listen and tell you what I think." 

"Then you should send me some stuff you've done too," Yongsun said straightforwardly. Her three friends were watching the exchange with wide eyes now. 

"Oh- yeah- uh- of course," Yoongi stuttered. He didn't expect that. Did I just sound like a giant pretentious ass when I told her to send me her stuff?  Yongsun's face was cool and collected as she studied him. Yoongi got the impression that she had dealt with people like that a lot. Then the doorbell rang and her face morphed into the one Yoongi was used to, smiley and soft lines. The shift was nearly surreal. 

"Great, and that'd be the burgers!" She said as she stood up to answer the door. Yoongi stayed sitting for a moment before getting up to move to the kitchen with the others. Just what have I gotten myself into?


Uh.... hey? (*dodges tomatoes*)

I know, I know, I just sorta disapeared. I'm sorry about that. I'm actually in a creative writing program in school, so I think when summer came I was just recovering from writing all the time and put this on the back burner, then took it off the stove entirely. 

So yeah. This is the follow up to part one of Hello. There will probably be more parts, hopefully. I'm planning to publish it as a separate fic too to do that productivity ya know. 

Please tell me what you think! This is sort of filler, but I had fun. I didn't really edit this sorry.

Please remember to vote! It really promotes the fic and makes me feel happy inside.

<3 berry

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