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Gadi: Bladimir, huh? That's a unique name.

They all put there weapons away as they start to calm down a bit.

Gadi: Just one more question...  Where are we?

Bladimir: Well in reality this is just a simulated area I made using coding and more advanced technology than in your timelines. Although you all should remember this place since you three have been here before...

The three shinobis looked around for a few seconds until Yuno seemed to spot something.

Yuno: Wait, hold on...

Bladimir smirked guessing that Yuno figured out where they are.

Yuno walked towards Bladimir and placed his hand on top Bladimir's head.

Yuno: Hey guys, this guy is short!

Gadi and Kano sweat dropped as they watch Yuno comprar his height to Bladimir's.

Kano: Now's not the time for this nonsense...

Gadi: The guy has weirdly strong chakra along with his physical body structure, but even with those traits I fail to how he became a jonin or even became a ninja at all...

Yuno kneels down to get to Bladimir's level making Bladimir more pissed off

Yuno: Dude if you're older than us and you look like this that has to be really embarrassing for yo-

Bladimir punches Yuno in the stomach causing him to fly back onto a nearby tree which also causes the tree to collapse the other way Yuno is facing.

Bladimir: I maybe short but that doesn't mean I can't still pack a punch!

Kano sighs as he looks around the area and this time realized where they all are.

Kano: I remember now... I'm guessing this is where we all fought Kakashi to see if we were worthy of being ninjas...

Gadi: Oh that's right, it was a real pain trying to get those two to work together but we manged.

Yuno is grunting in pain as he places his hand on his stomach healing himself using the healing jutsu.

Gadi: Wait does that mean the leaf village is near by?

Bladimir: Unfortunately I wasn't able to code in the village since it would take to much coding and I didn't have the time for that, but I will add the village soon so be patient.

Yuno gets up and walks up to the group while still hold his stomach in pain.

Yuno: So if the village isn't here does that mean we have to survive out here until you have the village set up for us? Is there even any wildlife in this place like fish or boars?

Bladimir: Yes and Sí, I've added tons of animals in this forest, even dangerous ones that can rip you all up into shreds and then eat your remains... =]

Yuno looked that the forest in fear, Gadi looked at the forest with a determined look on his face, and Kano looked at the forest and smiled

Kano: I think I just found my new home...

Kano no...


(I had to include them somewhere, you're welcome ImmortalGod1 ;))

Bladimir: Well sorry to be a drag but I'd best be going now, I have an important business I need to attend to hehe...

Yuno: Are you gonna peak at women at a hot springs for your own pleasure and lead anyone who catches you to believe that it's for a good reason or for "research"?

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