Interactions (Part 2)

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As the sun starts to set, the three shinobi are all done with task that they were assigned to. The area they were standing on now had three tent like structures that were made out of wood and leafs all next to each other, and a campfire with three fishes on sticks being cooked above it

Gadi was on top of a tree near the campsite, looking at the sunset that caused part of the sky to turn into this reddish-orange color which causes him to think about a certain someone

Gadi: I bet Naruko would love a view like this, though, not as much as she loves ramen.

Gadi laughs a bit to himself and continues to watch the sunset, although this time, he can't seem to get his mind off of Naruko which causes a tint of red to appear on his cheeks

Gadi: Dammit...

It wasn't long before Yuno called out Gadi's name notifying him that the fishes were done cooking. Upon hearing this, Gadi hopped down branch from branch and eventually got down on the same ground level as Yuno, and Kano

Kano, and Yuno were both sitting down on logs around the campfire and started eating their fish. Gadi then walk towards to the campfire, sat down on a log, and grabbed his fish and ate it a bit more quickly than the other two were

Kano: You shouldn't eat your food like that or you might choke...

Yuno: Yeah, just make sure Ino isn't around while your choking, or else-

Yuno stops himself from saying another word realizing that he's saying this out loud

Gadi and Kano both stop eating their cooked fishes as they tilt their head in confusing

Kano: First of all, you know Ino?..

Gadi: Second, what were you about to say?..

Yuno sweats nervously as he looks away from the two shinobi to hide his red tomato like face

Yuno: I-It's nothing of big importance, so don't worry about...

Gadi: Now hold on just a second, wasn't it you who said we should get to know each other more better?

Yuno: Well, yeah but-

Kano cuts off Yuno's sentence

Kano: But nothing, you were the one who had the idea of us getting to know each other little more better so spit it out...

Kano smirks a bit looking at Yuno

Kano: What were you going to say about Ino?..

Yuno looks at Kano more nervous than before and now with fear in his eyes from looking at Kano's smirk

Yuno then looks away from the two again mainly just to get away from the smirking Kano

Yuno: Nope, not saying a word!

Gadi: Well then, I guess you don't want your cooked fish back.

Yuno: I'm sorry what?-

Yuno looks at Gadi see that the genin is holding two cooked fishes on sticks with one of them presumably to be Yuno's. The young jonin looks around where he last had his cooked fish but to no avail confirming that one of the fishes Gadi was holding was Yuno's fish


Gadi: First you gotta tell us your secret, then you get you precious food back!

The jonin looked at the genin, then looked at his fish, then back at the genin in defeat

Yuno: Fine! After we became genin, Ino and I were eating together on a bench and at one point I started to choke on my food, so Ino, decided that the best way to save my life was too... Kiss me.

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