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Dorothy is typing on the holographic keyboard. When she finishes typing, she looks at Gadi with glaring look in her eyes and says only one word to the gray haired male

Dorothy: Bye...

With that one word Dorothy spoke outb of her lips she presses the button that reads, "ENTER", causing Gadi to slowly turn into binary

The two other shinobi look at the genin shocked on what's happening to him

Kano: What are you doing!?

Gadi: Wait! I'm sorr-

Gadi is cut off, he disappears with out a trace of where he has gone. The gray haired male is now falling through a light blue with dark blue mixed worm hole as he's screaming for dear life


He continues to fall and scream for awhile before seeing a bright light of what seems to be the end of Gadi's torture. He goes through the light and his vision goes dark. Gadi was laying down on his back unconscious on a dirt path way in front of a large open gate, he starts to wake up from his unconsciousness and slowly starts to sit up

Gadi: Where... Am I..?

The gray haired male notices the gate and remembers where he is right now

Gadi: I'm at the Leaf Village?.. Dorothy must of sent me back as punishment for... Everthing I said to her...

Gadi slumps his body forward in a depressed way before getting it together and getting up from the ground

Gadi: Well at least I'm back home... I wonder how Naruko's doing.

The young genin runs into the village as he passes by the two sleeping shinobi who were in a booth like structure next to the large gate. Gadi continues running to where Naruko lives until seeing her balcony which he thrn jumps really high and lands onto it and looks through the window for Gadi to see no blonde haired girl anywhere

Gadi: Huh, guess she's out training or something... Oh! Maybe she's at Ichiraku ramen!

Gadi then jumped on top of the building and before he starts going to the ramen shop, he notices something different about the Great Stone Faces. There was one being constructed on next to the Fourth Hokage. The grey haired male looked in surprise with his eye widen looking at what he was seeing

Gadi: Am I... In the future?.. Who is that new Hokage?..

After Gadi questions what's happening and calms himself down by taking deep breaths

Gadi: Okay, I'll have to figure this out... I try asking people I know who can help me out...

The young genin leaps off the building he was standing on and sprints through the village trying to find someone he knows for help. As he's doing this, he suddenly bumps into someone causing them both to fall to the ground.

Gadi: Agh!.. Sorry, I shouldn't have been running that fast...

Girl: It's fine, don't worry...

Gadi looks up to see who he bumped into, he then taken aback from seeing who it was he bumped into. It was a girl with short pink hair, greenish eyes, wearing a pinkish red dress-like clothing, and wearing the leaf headband around the back of her head

Gadi: Hold on... Is that... Sakura?..

Gadi begins to remember what Kano told him about the girl in front of him right now

"You don't know anyone with pink hair, bossy attitude, big forehead?"

Gadi: Well, Kano, he wasn't kidding when he said she had a big forehead...

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