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Minho was laying on his bed and he was just letting his thoughts fly around his head.

Minho P.O.V.

Damn, only five days until Hannie and Felix leave the island. Would we still stay in contact? I think it would be hard if we don't see each other every day like now. They are very good friends. Would Hyunjin's and Felix's relationship work out? Ah that's not my problem to worry about. But they like each other a lot so I do think that it'll work out. I would be very sad if me and Jisung lose contact though. Who else would watch out for him? I'm sure he has a lot of other friends that keep an eye on him. Even though it would be nice if I could do that job. Ugh I wish I could just leave this island with them. I could live with Jisung for a few weeks until I start working and find myself an apartment. I've also saved a lot of money so I could use that too. It's time for me to grow up and become independent.

Author P.O.V.

Minho stood up from his bed and went down to the kitchen where his parents were.

"Mom, dad I need you to ask you something.", Minho spoke up.

"What is it?", his father didn't even look up from the newspaper he was reading.

Minho took a deep breath: "So, you two want me to finally grow up and become a real adult right?"

"Yeah so you can take over our business.", his mother added.

"Well, what if I say no?", he said gently not wanting his parents to blow up right from the beginning.

"Minho we've been over this a million times and our answer is final!", his father now looked at him.

"But I don't want to work in a coffee shop for the rest of my life!"

"You don't have the right to decide that.", his father answered still with a normal tone continuing to read the news.

"And that's the point where you're wrong. I am a normal person and you don't have the right to decide over my life!", Minho gave his best to not burst out in anger.

"I do because I'm your father!", he stood up, punched the table and looked his son right in the eyes.

"Do you know what, I'm sick of this. I've saved enough of money to leave this island without your help. I was going to ask you for permission out of respect but with these words you lost my respect for you completely. And I don't care what you think of the idea but I'm leaving!", with that Minho turned around and shut the door, he just heard the screams of his father in the background but he decided to ignore them.


"Hey don't you want to invite your friends over for dinner? You don't have much time left together.", Jisung's grandma asked her grandsons.

"Sounds like a good idea Granny!", Jisung answered.

"Hmm, I think Hyunjin has to work this evening so he'd probably not come but you can ask Minho.", Felix also answered.

"Yeah I will text him right now."


Granny asks if you want to
come over for dinner ^^
Text me when you read this

"I guess he's busy now but he'll probably answer soon. How's your relationship with Hyunie going?", Jisung smirked and looked at his friend.

"Very good!", Felix smiled "I just hope that we stay in touch while we're in Korea. The next year is gonna be very tough because we won't be able to come to Malaysia because of school but he said that he's going to find a way and I believe him."

"He also graduates next year like us right?", Ji asked.


"Lee know already graduated. After this summer he has to start working for his parents. I'm so sorry for him."

"Yeah seriously! I hope they can let him leave and go to Korea.        Did he already answer you?"

"Hmm, no he didn't. What's going on, he's always on his phone even while he's working.", Jisung started to worry.

"I can ask Hyunjin."

Hubby 💕

How's work?  ^^

It's alright
How are youu<3

Great but is your cousin with you?

I thought you're dating me
why for do you need my cousin?

Granny is inviting you for dinner but I know you have to work and Minho is not answering Sungie that's why ;)

Ah ok
I actually have no idea where he is
He's not in his room so I thought he's with you

Hmm ok thx
Might have some ideas where he could be?

Oh I actually have
I will send you the address
It's his secret place but I followed him once so now it's no that secret anymore XD

Haha thank you
Love youu <33

Ofc <345

"Hyunjinie hyung send me an address of Minhos secret place maybe he's there."

"Ok send it to me and I'll go there."

This place was actually not that near to their town where they all lived. It was on the other side of the island. The sun was slowly setting and it got a little colder. Jisung had to go through bushes to reach that place.

Man if he's no there I will kill him.

Finally he reached the address Hyunjin send him and Minho was indeed there. Jisung didn't know what to expect exactly but it was actually what he expected. Minho was sitting with the back to him and the face to the sea on a field full of flowers on a big rock watching the sunset. He was leaning back, his arms supporting his back with straight legs. Jisung thought he should get back on him from the time they watched a horror movie and scare him from the back.

So he did that. He tiptoed to him grabbed Minhos shoulders and screamed loudly in his ear.


Minho jumped and before he could fall from the stone he was sitting on Jisung grabbed him again and made sure his hyung was safe and started to burst out in laughter.

"Ah Jisunga!", Minho said with a quiet and unstable voice and teary eyes.

Jisung stopped to laugh and looked at his friend seriously.

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