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Minho had wildly opened red eyes, shocked from what just happened. He didn't expect anyone because he knew that nobody would go to exactly this spot of the island. Nobody really knew it even though it was the most beautiful place for Minho but he didn't care to share it with anyone. It was always quiet, you could only hear the birds, the wind and the sound of the waves.

Jisung blinked a few time until he realised what he was seeing in front of him. Minho was ...crying?

"Hyung? Everything alright?"

"Oh haha yeah of course!", Minho then laughed a bit and wiped quickly his tears away with his sleeves.  "How did you find me?"

"Eh well, Hyunjin sent me the address.", Jisung scratched the back of his head.

"How did he know I was here?", the older questioned.

"Mm I don't know but anyways why are you here? Did something happen?"

"Uh no.. I just wanted a quiet place to organise my thoughts."

"What are you thinking about?", Jisung took place next to his hyung.

"Ah this and that, nothing important.", Minho looked at the sea and sun in front of him.

"Hyung.. I don't think it's nothing. You can trust me, I'm here for you!", but Ji didn't stop looking at him and he even put his hand on one of Minho's shoulders to reassure him that he's there.
"You know, in that short time we've seen each other I seriously started to care about you and I don't care what you think of me but I am your friend and I'm always going to hear you out and I will always try to help you! So please tell me what is on yo-"

Jisung was interrupted by a crying Minho hugging him and burying his head into Ji's shirt.

"It's okay to cry!", he petted on the older's head hugging him back.
"Just tell me what happened."

But Minho didn't speak up. He just cried quietly. So Jisung just held him tightly. "Pshh", he caressed.

After a while the dancer started to calm down. He then stood up and and looked down on his knees.

"I'm so sorry Jisungie."

"What are you sorry for?", Jisung looked concerned and he didn't take his arm off Minho.

"My parents won't ever let me leave this fucking island."

"Wait what?", the younger was confused.

Minho took a deep breath "I just had an argument with them and I said some pretty bad things, even though they weren't better either, and I don't think that I won."

"What did they say?"

"That I have to stay here and take over the business as always. I was just too dumb and bursted out of anger and now I looked like an amateur. They would never start to respect me like that. I'm such an idiot!", he put his fist onto his forehead.

"I mean they drove you to that state so it's not your fault."

"No but I looked like a child.... I told them that I've saved enough money and I will leave by my own... but that's not entirely true. I have saved money but by far not enough and I can't just leave like that. They're still my parents."

"We could help you! You could live with us until you get a job. And then you could find an apartment and-"

"That would be very nice but your parents are also strict, I mean they didn't let you, until this year, to visit your grandma by your own. I don't think they would except another person living with you."

"I could talk to them I'm sure they'll understand!"

"Thank you Ji but this is a thing between me and my parents. I'm at this place for several hours now and I think I accepted the fact that in this life I won't be getting what I want."

"But you can't just-"

"No it's alright. You know, I had a friend like you when I was younger. He was very nice, always helped me out. We had the same dreams and we were very close, well actually closer than close haha... . I believed that he was my soulmate and no matter what happens we will always stay friends. Well, he got what he wanted. His parents moved to Korea because of their work and he left. He didn't even say goodbye. Now I don't even know if he reached his goal. Of course I was very sad at first, shattered actually but that got me motivated to work harder to reach my dreams no matter what. But it gets harder when you always give 120% but you reach nothing, absolutely nothing. Right now I'm at the point where I lost all hope. After you leave I'll suck it up. Become the person that my parents want me to be and at least I'll get them happy."

"No you can't just give up like that! I'm here and...I will talk to your parents maybe that'll listen to me!"

"Haha I don't think so.    Thank you Han Jisung for making my life a little nicer this summer. I seriously appreciate it. I want you to have a nice life. I know you have the thing for becoming an idol. Write me a song when you get famous haha."

"No! I'm not leaving you like this! I will talk to your parents!", Jisung actually stood up and started to run to Minho's house.

"Wait what are you doing? Jisunga!", Minho tried to keep up with him but he was too tired.

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