chapter 39

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"Okay so the babies should be here any day now. I'm so excited." Bri squealed.

"I'm excited, nervous and scared." I said lowly. Excited to see and hold my baby. Nervous because what if I'm not a good mother. Scared because of labor.

"Yeah me too. Shit came quick and it's like damn I'm  about to be a mother but also damn I'm about to be a mother." Fee said.

"Girl I know exactly what you mean." I told her as I texted Dave back.

"Babies it's okay. You guys have this and you have a whole team with you guys. Y'all will be wonderful parents and I'm here for sure. Never hesitate to call me or Jules." Bri said.

"It would be crazy if we go into labor at the same time. I can see Kendall fainting now." Fee said as she rubbed her belly.

"Yeah cause that man so extra. Remember he fell out when you cut your hand making us dinner and it was bleeding?" Bri said as she laughed. Fee was cutting up some onions and accidentally cut her hand. It wasn't even a lot of blood yet Kendall fainted.

"Yeah he is extra but that's my big baby." Fee said as she frowned up her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I got up.

"I think I'm having contractions." She breathed out. I pulled out my phone to call Kendall as I walked towards her.

"Hello." He answered. I could hear Jules in the background singing.

"Hey I think Fee is having contractions." I told him.

"That means the baby is coming. Oh shit. Oh shit man." He started mumbling.

"Calm down Kendall." I said with a sigh.

"Um Sadie did you pee on yourself or did your water just break?" Bri said as she stood up. I looked down then looked at Fee who looked shocked along with her and the sofa wet.

"Um Kendall is Dave around?" I asked him still looking at Fee.

"Oh my god. Everyone remain calm." Bri said as she pulled out her phone.

"You okay baby? Is Fee okay? Kendall is freaking out so Jules is about to drive over there for him." Dave said.

"I think both babies are coming." I told him.


"Just breathe. In and out. In and out." Bri instructed me and Fee. The boys were almost 2 hours away but were trying their best to get here. Me and Fee were sitting in Bri's tub since she had two big circle ones. She filled the tub up with water and were both sitting in it trying to relax.

"I hope they get here in time. I don't wanna have this baby without Kendall being here." Fee said.

"I understand but if they're not here in the next 2 hours or if you guy's contractions gets any closer, we we're heading to the hospital." Bri told her and Fee nodded.

"We can do this. If they're not here in time then Bri can be with you and my parents can be in the room with me, we'll just facetime the boys okay?" I told her. Her parents were hoping that the baby would come next week since they went on vacation since it was their 25th anniversary and Kendall parents went to visit his grandparents.

"Okay." Fee nodded again. I can tell that she was scared and so was I but I was trying t remain calm for the both of us.

Bri's POV

"Jules where are you guys?" I asked. I didn't want them to give birth without them being here but they were getting really close and I felt like I wouldn't be able to do this by myself and it'll most likely be too risky to move them now.

"We're like 30 minutes away. I'm getting there as fast as I can."

"Make sure Kendall is calm because Fee is lowkey freaky out and I don't want him to make things worse." I said as I said Sadie helping her with her breathing.

"Gotcha baby. Is Sadie okay? Aye Kendall man calm the fuck down."

"She's doing fine." I told him. He stayed on the phone while I kept an eye out on them. So I heard them pull up and they rushed inside along with my moms midwife. She helped my mom deliver me.

"Hey baby." She kissed my cheek before walking over to Sadie and Fee.

Narrator's POV

The midwife instructed both Sadie and Fee with the help of Dave and Kendall. Sadie was doing so well since she was still trying to be calm for Fee. She was scared too but she knew that she could do it. Dave sat alongside her coaching her and telling her how much he loves her. He couldn't believe that it was finally happening. He was grateful to get back in time to witness something so beautiful.

Kendall held on to Fee's hand while letting her know that he was here and that she was doing so good. He constantly kissed her forehead and moved her hair out her face. She was squeezing his hand so tight that he thought she would break it. Fee felt like she was in labor for a long time. She was ready to have her baby in her arms.

The midwife checked on Sadie and noticed that the baby was coming. She got Sadie prepared and all it took was 5 strong pushes before small whimpers could be heard. Sadie and Dave looked to be in awe. 

It was going on midnight and Fee was still in labor. Sadie and the baby were all cleaned up and she was now breast feeding. They decided to not go to the hospital until Fee had her baby. Kendall was now only in his boxers and in the tub with Fee. Time seemed to be going by slow be he was enjoying every minute of it. He couldn't wait to til the moment they would be holding their baby girl in their arms.


• Okay so instead of 50 chapters, we're doing 45.

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