I hate BBC

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BBC's Sherlock season 3 finally...holy crap!!! My life is over!! This show has screwed up my life so badly and now I have to wait 2 YEARS for season 4. TWO YEARS!!! The season finally was the best season finally I have ever witnessed in my life. The emotions where everywhere. I don't know who to trust, who to like, who to kill in my mind. It's also confusing and amazing. This is truly the best show that this generation has created. I can't wait for Season 4!! Now the hunt for a new T.V show begins. If you have any requests I would love to hear.
BTW, the shows creator/writer Steven Moffat also produce I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, Doctor Who. So if you watch Doctor Who or Sherlock and love it and feel the pain in each episode, you know how I am feeling especially after a cliff hanger. Let me know the best way to deal with the "end of show blues" or the way you handle your favourite tv show season endings. I'm sorry I haven't been updating I've been watching Sherlock so don't get mad at me, get made at the perfection that is Benedict Cumberbatch!

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