
22 3 2

Ears fill with the technicolor aromas

Eyes fogged by the odorous screams

Nostrils tingle from the monochromatic sobs

But the mouth waters, from the sweet, savory flavor

Dripping down the walls

Pooling on the floor

It drains from somewhere up above

Fear restricts the searching

Could it be an act of beauty?

Was it a grotesque crime?

Those sounds where are they coming from...

What is that horrid smell.

All but the taste defy our logic

It goes beyond the realm of human senses

Seems almost polarized

And the feeling is the same

Both amazed and disgusted

Dazzled and appalled

What unearthly dimension has it fled,

To infest my quiet manor?

The others don't notice it.

Not a word was said

The fear it paralyzed me

And I couldn't place the cause.

Ws any of this real?

I wondered as I heard it.

The gargling...I saw it

The cascading.

I could smell the turmoil.

All of it was tangible.

What monsters inhabited this place?

What evil dwelled here?

The pain it shattered me.

In that moment.

I saw its face.

Not directly of course.

The creature, I saw it.

and the horror destroyed me.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't look away.

I fell to my knees and wept.

I saw it.

Looking at me,

with bright eyes.

Terror on its face,

Blood on its hands.

The skin was translucent almost

And it was right there.

Looking at me,

I saw it.


In the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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